detroit river

  1. stomp

    It's ice fishing time now... but fishing the "D" is not too far away..

    A site member recently recommended this TV show about fishing walleye on the Detroit River. All I could find today was this preview video from Next Bite TV. Showtimes in Canada here
  2. stomp

    "D" ice soon gone?

  3. stomp

    Fishing Report Jiggin the "D" Nov 12

    Got an anxious-sounding PM from @Three Bouys about a possible trip with @Chasneyes to the "D"-etroit River planned for today. Got down on my hands and knees at home and received permission to go:notworthy::LOL::love:. Met up with the boys at 6:00 a.m. for a run to LaSalle. Now November 12th...
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