Fishing Report Port Stanley Aug 6 afternoon

WOW!! 😱 What happened there @Derkd9 to that boat?? 🤔 Hopefully the owner of that boat has boat 🚤 insurance. Also,were you fishing today,or just being a “Tourist?” 🤔😏 LoL 😂 😉 I almost did the drive down to Port Stanley this afternoon to “hang out” on the public 🏖 beach,because it felt too warm to be fishing today.👍🙂
Decided since the winds were playing nice and nearing the end of my vacation days that we would go out for one last fishing adventure. So we launched at about 230-245ish everything seemed good
Half way out to our fishing spot I looked at the fish finder/gps and notice it isn’t reading depth anymore
So I switch the view to the fish finder instead of gps and it’s blank! Uggh not this again
Last time the transducer just come un plugged… figured eff it I know where the fish are because my gps and way points are still marked.. I just won’t be able to see what the fish are doing! (After getting likes in took a quick look it was plugged in… so that’s a Sunday job to see what is up! 😡)
So we kept heading out got to 67 fow and started putting lines in
Decided to try deep so set my dipsys so that the spoons were running down around 45-50ft
Didn’t take long for the rods to start firing
One after the other couple doubles a triple and a quad where we lost the last one and had no rods in the water for a minute or two.. all made up for most of our limits.
We tossed back 3 smalls
Lost 3 before getting to the boat one of which looked to be a rather large walleye that got off about 10 yards from the back of the boat
We also tossed back one tank of a white perch that actually peeled line more than any of the pickleyes lol
Overal the fish today were larger then the ones we were catching all week. It has been a great week off work which started out looking like I wouldn’t get out at all due to shit winds to getting out a bunch of times.
My friends family and co workers are all happy for there fresh Lake Erie Walleye!!!
And I’m happy I got to scratch that itch and get those lines wet!!
WOW!! 😱 What happened there @Derkd9 to that boat?? 🤔 Hopefully the owner of that boat has boat 🚤 insurance. Also,were you fishing today,or just being a “Tourist?” 🤔😏 LoL 😂 😉 I almost did the drive down to Port Stanley this afternoon to “hang out” on the public 🏖 beach,because it felt too warm to be fishing today.👍🙂
I didn’t get to talk to the owner, I talked to someone on a jet ski said it was towed in and then sunk there. Not sure what happened exactly.. pretty shitty way to spend their Saturday.. I feel bad for the owners..
and yes I was fishing
Not for very long tho
The boat ride out there and back was longer then the trolling lol
I didn’t get to talk to the owner, I talked to someone on a jet ski said it was towed in and then sunk there. Not sure what happened exactly.. pretty shitty way to spend their Saturday.. I feel bad for the owners..
and yes I was fishing
Not for very long tho
The boat ride out there and back was longer then the trolling lol
Thanks for your update @Derkd9 👍👍 and I was asking you that question about wether you were fishing today or not,and we ended up posting at the same time!! 😱 LoL 😂 🤣 Too bad about that boat ending up like that,and it just seems strange why it would of sunk!! Good to know where the fish are,(67 fow),and the marine weather as of now for next week is starting to look good for some walleye & hopefully rainbow action as well!! 🤞🤞 It sounds like that you had a great week off for holidays,with plenty of fish caught,according to your fishing post’s,with lure’s used,and technique’s used for them as well. Enjoy your walleye fry’s!! 🐟🐟🐟😋 👍🙂
That boat was being towed in by the orange apex from around the lighthouse when we were coming in
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