port bruce up date,,,

Jchevy does the County or the Township control the bridge?
Either the road is the Counties or the Townships responsibility?
Won't be both.

the county owns bridge,the tws owns land around broken bridge,and a good amount of river front lands east of bridge half way to old bridge location ,both sides, and they own old bridge land both sides they are known as un open roadways

i have to wonder if this was an over pass on 401 would 401 still be closed or would it be cleared by now?
This is what I don't understand. Any where else,this would have been done long ago. Are they not concerned about contamination from the rear end lube or hydralic oil from the dump box cylinder?
Do the Feds control the waters that lead into the lake.......Does the province own the bridge.....Is it a County road or Provincial road ??.
This is what I don't understand. Any where else,this would have been done long ago. Are they not concerned about contamination from the rear end lube or hydralic oil from the dump box cylinder?

And I guess the hundred's of boats that use the harbor don't leak any fluid's?? Come on, really, clear the bridge, a crane is all thats needed? The legalities will all come later?
And I guess the hundred's of boats that use the harbor don't leak any fluid's?? Come on, really, clear the bridge, a crane is all thats needed? The legalities will all come later?
Doesn't work that way.
What recovery company in their right minds would tackle that job without an guarentee of payment.
That could take many years for the legalities to be settled.
If no one steps up to guarentee payment nothing will happen.
And I guess the hundred's of boats that use the harbor don't leak any fluid's?? Come on, really, clear the bridge, a crane is all thats needed? The legalities will all come later?

on sunday the volunteer fire department used there equipment to place floats around truck that now is leaking fuel and oil into river

key word volunteer,,,,,,,how this now has become there job who no's ????? on all days sunday

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Hey there @waverunner, got my info from the MNRF. I'm sure the County wishes they didn't own it now! Hopefully who ever owns it...removes and replaces it!

you are both right,county owns structure,but mto owns lot and east side lot and river frontage for 100 ft or so then tws owns lands and river frontages after that for several 100 ft beyond that and catfishcreek c.a has the only right away, it s clearly shown on official drawings has been an issue for years ,and they all are going to burn for it in more ways then one...
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This is starting to sound like the Misner Dam project in Port Dover. Nobody wants to admit ownership or take responsibility for it but everyone will want to control how the work is done. At least the red tape didn't tie that project up for too long....;)
on sunday the volunteer fire department used there equipment to place floats around truck that now is leaking fuel and oil into river

key word volunteer,,,,,,,how this now has become there job who no's ????? on all days sunday

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"key word volunteer"
That I highly doubt. Volunteer Fire Fighters are a hold over to when they actually were volunteers.
Now they are paid on call employees.
I have great respect for what they do but they do not meet the defination of volunteers anymore.
"key word volunteer"
That I highly doubt. Volunteer Fire Fighters are a hold over to when they actually were volunteers.
Now they are paid on call employees.
I have great respect for what they do but they do not meet the defination of volunteers anymore.

here nor there...piont is job got done
So if the temporary bridge is going where I think it is, the traffic will be travelling from the bend on Dexter Line South of the river, over the bridge, right across the top of the NEM ramp and continue North on Bank St. Is this correct? I presume it will be a low bridge too likely too low for boat traffic to move upstream?
