Fishing Report Port Burwell Friday


Well-Known Member
Fished Friday went out to 60 FOW and trolled to 65 and back a couple times ended up with 8 pics and a bow. Marked tons of fish but they had lockjaw. When I got back to launch (Big Otter) and went to get my trailer I noticed one of my side guide bunks missing. When I parked it in the morning they were both there. I’d like to thank the a**hole who stole it. I hope you feel reel good about yourself. It just sucks that people who you fish with would do that to a fellow fisherman.
Fished Friday went out to 60 FOW and trolled to 65 and back a couple times ended up with 8 pics and a bow. Marked tons of fish but they had lockjaw. When I got back to launch (Big Otter) and went to get my trailer I noticed one of my side guide bunks missing. When I parked it in the morning they were both there. I’d like to thank the a**hole who stole it. I hope you feel reel good about yourself. It just sucks that people who you fish with would do that to a fellow fisherman.
That's the lowest form of existence as far as I'm concerned
I had my trailer hollow frame plastic inserts gone on both side with the reflector plastic on it after returning to ramp on Simcoe last November
It's a minor thing compared to yours but pissed me off to no end
I guess bolting shit down is not a deterrent anymore 😤😡🤬
Don't know how vehicles are parked at Otter, but it would be great to hear someone has a motion sensing camera in their vehicle and got footage of the fargin bastages.