St. Clair muskie


Well-Known Member
Did a charter on October 12 th. Too rough to fish the lake so we fished the river goin 2 for 3. Fish are there now.


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Did a charter on October 12 th. Too rough to fish the lake so we fished the river goin 2 for 3. Fish are there now.
I'm going to try to get from Mitchell's Bay to the Thames tomorrow if winds permit it.
Can you give me any advice without upsetting your fishing partners ?
We have had a very tough time this year and haven't even raised a fish.
We got out last week and did well just outside the mouth.
Fish are definitely there, as long as the weather cooperates.
We did well trolling chewies.


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heading to ST.Clair on Sunday to fish with friend Jim Fleming of Drifter II Charters I have not fished St.Clair but I have fished for them in the Kawartha Lakes my biggest 38" hoping for bigger.
heading to ST.Clair on Sunday to fish with friend Jim Fleming of Drifter II Charters I have not fished St.Clair but I have fished for them in the Kawartha Lakes my biggest 38" hoping for bigger.
You are going with the best. I’m sure you will do better than 38”
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