Report for Feb 11


Well-Known Member
Hi all.

Number One and I were set up little West of where we were on Sunday in about 4.5 feet of water. One Scoop of Jimmy's finest at 15:10. At 16:00 We had nothing so I stepped out for some relief. Number one pulls up two nine inchers on my rod but one outsmarted her and escaped. I says at least I am not skunked. She moves her chair as far away from me as she can. At 16:30 I ask her if we should out deeper or in shallower. She says out deeper.

I get us set up and fishing in 4 feet of water a couple of hundred yards away. Nothing until 17:45. We get a flurry of action and I manage 7 more nines. At 18:10 I get a monster. I see stripes so I know it's a Perch. I pull up it pulls down. Number One yelps that dhe also has monster. I am pulling, she is pulling, we're both going nuts. I get mine out of the hole then back down it goes, this is crazy. I get it up then my line breaks. Bummer. Number one is duking it with her fish and gets it out. It's a beauty 13 incher but no way it puts up that kind of fight. Sure enough the fish has my gear hanging from it mouth bobber and all. She looks at me with a Cheshire grin and says at east I am not skunked.

It was tough. 9 bites and nine fish but nothing else.

Cheers, Clark
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Number one does it again. Thanks for the report Clark
Now I hope my number one doesn't see your report, or should I say, your number ones report:LOL:
That's a great report. 9 for 9, I hope your' re not complaining. I was wondering does number one do any guiding? Based on the reports here this winter she is very much needed by very many.
It was actualy 9 for 10. She let one get away! looks like a solo deal tomorrow and I'll probably stink. No guiding for Number One. Some guys have secret spots that they won't ever tell anybody, I have Number One. She's better than a secret spot and I don't share.

Cheers, Clark
I could make a comment about "sharing" wives but that's for another forum that's xxx rated. Sorry I couldn't resist.
Another really funny story @Walleye, you and #1 sure have some good times together. Keep up the great reports. :LOL::cool:
Good report Walleye, heading out with Jimmy on Saturday, nice to know the big ones are still around.