Fishing Report Port Stanley Walleye - Sept. 26th

Wave Runner

Well-Known Member
R.O.C. (Radio Operator's Certificate)
Had the pleasure of teaming up with a fellow 68 member Erich (Red Hering) this morning. Lots of walleye in 62-66 ft. but seemed to have lock jaw so the fishing was slow. Those we heard on the radio were experiencing the same frustration, I guess we're all getting spoiled. The fish were a little more receptive once we got out into 69-70 ft. past the PS weather buoy where we did manage to finish with a limit while losing 2 or 3. Mostly ran just the 2 riggers as Erich who is a "tiller" outboard guy was having control issues using a steering wheel, hope he got his truck home okay. :p

Very hot but few bugs so all in all a good day while in some very good company with Erich. Thanks Erich it was a blast having you onboard today. (y) :)

Riggers set at 50-60 ft. Nascar and Pink Panties Silver Streak spoons caught 12 - body baits zero

@Red Hering will follow with some smart phone photos, I left my camera in the vehicle...AGAIN. :whistle:
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Long way out there
Had the pleasure of teaming up with a fellow 68 member Erich (Red Hering) this morning. Lots of walleye in 62-66 ft. but seemed to have lock jaw so the fishing was slow. Those we heard on the radio were experiencing the same frustration, I guess we're all getting spoiled. The fish were a little more receptive once we got out into 69-70 ft. past the PS weather buoy where we did manage to finish with a limit while losing 2 or 3. Mostly run just the 2 riggers as Erich who is "tiller" outboard guy was having control issues using a steering wheel, hope he got his truck home okay. :p

All in all a good day while in some very good company with Erich. Thanks Erich it was a blast having you onboard today. (y) :)

Riggers set at 50-60 ft. Nascar and Pink Panties Silver Streak spoons caught 12 - body baits zero

@Red Hering will follow with some smart phone photos, I left my camera in the vehicle...AGAIN. long way out there Robert glad u found them
wow waverunner had lockjaw at was fish on body baits...and no darren...incredible...especially on perfect lake conditions...

ya when that SE shut down late overnight and slowly started light SW at first light settin up...I felt so relieved no east like they called for.. that SW had to be a gift from the fish nice you took out red herring...after having his boat trapped in his drive way..omg..hey you made it work...thats the main thing...I was out monday off stanley and seen 2 boats way out west & south of the buoy and most likely catchin in the 70+...
@mick... yes it was weird today first time all summer not getting a single hit on any body bait including Red Fins and A/C Shiners. It was a spoon bite today but wasn't even good until past 69 ft. even though marking lots in 65-67 ft. Everybody we talked to were experiencing the same thing. Just for fun yesterday at Glasgow we tried a host of body baits and spoons different colours at every depth from 30 ft. to the bottom and they smacked all of them. Go figure?
yes thats weird waverunner...usually its the other way around..switching spoons to body baits and slow down a bit...thats a finicky bite for sure...

Monday off stanley in 66 fow I caught 9 pics by just after 9 am on shiners...not bad...but they weren't hooked all that great ..most were hangin by one hook on the rear treble and some get off in the net...trolling speed was still clipping along ...anyway I packed it in on that east had a great day monday off glasgow... anyway thats fishin...
yes thats weird waverunner...usually its the other way around..switching spoons to body baits and slow down a bit...thats a finicky bite for sure...

Monday off stanley in 66 fow I caught 9 pics by just after 9 am on shiners...not bad...but they weren't hooked all that great ..most were hangin by one hook on the rear treble and some get off in the net...trolling speed was still clipping along ...anyway I packed it in on that east had a great day monday off glasgow... anyway thats fishin...
Any wind that keeps the bugs down is fine with me
Wave Runner and Red Hering teaming up in Port Stanley! Congrats on your success. I just realized that I never tried my silver Pink Panties on walleye. Oh well, probably have to wait until 2018 now.
just to mention on my way back in from fishing monday morning back into stanley harbour, I stopped and had an informative chat with one of the commercial fisheries inspector, yes the red flag was up at the booth and she had just finished up verifying catch numbers & weights aboard the erieau clipper. She is in charge of inspecting port colborne, port dover and port stanley commerical fishing tugs. She stated to me that the 2017 erie walleye quotos out of these ports and territory have not been reached. She also mentioned that stanley will still be one of the busier ports with continued gill netting activity.
I didn't ask about yellow perch. But I did see on the way in our local weaver tug (orange) and another tug together netting perch off port talbot to the west and another tug towards port bruce to the east in close netting perch as well.

If October weather brings us a mild stretch of indian summer there still should be some good fishing & weather left.
Mostly weekends. But every once and a while through the week. Bugs were terrible on the calm waters last weekend. But the walleye didn't seem to mind them

Of course! But your eyes, ears and mouth do. :eek::D

Wish you good fishing but it don't look like good weather from tomorrow all through the weekend.
@hvyhaul... I just checked the wind sites and they have changed forecast as of this morning. Calling for big winds both Friday and Saturday but calming down late Sat. afternoon then lighter 12kph SE winds Sunday so you may get out Sunday after all. I hope it sticks and you are able to go fishing. :)
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