Off Topic New to me smoker.

Way She Goes

Well-Known Member
R.O.C. (Radio Operator's Certificate)
Picked up this 6 rack master built sportsman elite on marketplace for $200 just trying it out today gotta brisket and a pork butt go on. Temperature is holding steady 225 just like these smokers cuz they make you use your brain doesn't do everything for you.


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Sorry. No pics. By the time I got done and fed up. I was full of Busch Light. And in bed at Midnight. Not to mention beating my self up at Otter Creek GC. Today.
Very happy. I have a mustard and sweet rub for the butt and a recipe from Malcolm Reed (Google him) that I follow for the brisket. Patience is the key.
Another great site is Hey Grill Hey.

Nice @Way She Goes .😁

Agreed, patience is the key, I prepped after I got home Friday night, 14.5 hr overnight cook, wrapped @160* 06 00, pulled at 12:30 and into the cooler till 15:30 when the last of the family arrived.

It was worth the wait.

Only change for me would be a little more pepper in the next batch of rub. LOL

I'll look up those items. Thnx 🌻
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