Boat related question?


Well-Known Member
We have new Legend XTR, Noticed little stone chips when cleaning Sunday. Was wonder where I could find a Bow Guard to protect hull from stones. or if there is a better option. Yes my truck has mud flaps
I just put on a set of the Rock Tamer mudguards for the same reason. I haven’t had a chance to use them yet but they seem beefy.
A buddy of mine uses one of these, when towing his fifth wheel. It mounts to the hitch receiver; easy on and off. Check the RV places for them; that's where he got his.


I had same issue 10 years ago, got heavy-duty Rock Tamer from Van and Truck World, mounts on tow bar, easy to remove. Still had stones hitting boat from space between guards, so I trimmed a big truck mud flap, drilled holes to install into space using heavy duty tie wraps. Have to replace tie wraps occasionally after 5-ish years. Magic.
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