Bandit lures for walleye

What is your favorite model and colour of Bandit lure for trolling for walleye? Looking to add some trolling lures to my collection
What is your favorite model and colour of Bandit lure for trolling for walleye? Looking to add some trolling lures to my collection
If I were looking to add to my collection of walleye lures, and was considering getting more body bait type of lures over spoons and jigs, I'd be trying to match the body baits coloring to that of the spoons that have proven to produce in the past. IE Wonderbread, Pink Panties, Blueberry Muffin etc.

I'd be looking back to prior posts from past years to get an idea of what was working best and I'd definitely try to contact any of the Charter Captains who are part of the forum (privately) and ask their advice.

I'm a bit biased though when it comes to Charter Captains because I've only been out with Tom (@tailfeathers) and I've learned a lot from him over the past 7 years (might be 8 now) since I met him and started going out on charters with him.
Any of the purples and any of the chartreuse have worked good for me. Same with the cream soda pink or whatever they call it. That purple one six grand posted has worked pretty good for me on Nippissing too. I like the bandit deeps with a 2 ounce snap weight 50/50 method off a board. Works pretty good, but then so does anything out there the last how many years.