Fishing Report Bewilderment at Burwell 9-8-23


Well-Known Member
Ever have one of those days where nothing goes as expected?

Today was a surprise from start to finish.

Neighbour and I discussed what to do today.

We always go out somewhere East to 59 and start,

Let's do something totally different today.

Headed out with a plan for a 53ft start, at 36ft I see all sorts of stuff on the screen, so I slow down. Holy 💩 never seen anything like it, out go the lines. Three walleye within ten minutes.


Work my way through, touch AP 10*.port, goes starboard.

Oh one of those days is it.

Used to catching tons of smalls, not today, five over twenty-five, biggest twenty-seven and a half.


Had five rainbow ripping and a stripping line only to turn into one of these horrendous creatures by the time they got to the boat. 🤪


Conditions were great for some reason.


Never got anywhere near the depth planned, just kept playing etch-a-sketch around and around on the graph and ended up with the best box of 2023.


Oh well, maybe things will go as planned next time. 😉🌻
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After 50 plus years with a rod in my hand I finally learned that a fisherman's worst enemy is preconceived notions in his own head. Just because it worked so many times before doesn't mean that is the only way. Adaptability is far more prosperous.
Ever have one of those days where nothing goes as expected?

Today was a surprise from start to finish.

Neighbour and I discussed what to do today.

We always go out somewhere East to 59 and start,

Let's do something totally different today.

Headed out with a plan for a 53ft start, at 36ft I see all sorts of stuff on the screen, so I slow down. Holy 💩 never seen anything like it, out go the lines. Three walleye within ten minutes.

View attachment 79512

Work my way through, touch AP 10*.port, goes starboard.

Oh one of those days is it.

Used to catching tons of smalls, not today, five over twenty-five, biggest twenty-seven and a half.

View attachment 79513

Had five rainbow ripping and a stripping line only to turn into one of these horrendous creatures by the time they got to the boat. 🤪

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Conditions were great for some reason.

View attachment 79515

Never got to the depth planned, just kept playing etch-a-sketch around and around on the graph and ended up with the best box of 2023.

View attachment 79516

Oh well, maybe things will go as planned next time. 😉🌻
That's awesome. We got big ones today as well but we headed out to 59 to start to troll to 62.
You did great.
@hvyhaul... Yep fish have tails and can be in other places overnight and many times we run over schools trying to get to our last location. Checking depths as you go out especially during early and late season can often pay off big as it did for you today.
Congrats on a nice box of fish for your efforts! (y)
@hvyhaul... Yep fish have tails and can be in other places overnight and many times we run over schools trying to get to our last location. Checking depths as you go out especially during early and late season can often pay off big as it did for you today.
Congrats on a nice box of fish for your efforts! (y)

It was funny how the day came and went @Wave Runner , and yes it was one of the best in a long time.

A side bonus, as the calendar changes and days shorten, I found out that my plug in Nav lights still work.

Needed them to head out from the dock, haven't used them in years. LoL 😁🌻
Yeah, I could do with coolers like that every trip.

My son calls me on the drive home and says, "You did good, nice, I'll take some of those when I see you." 🙄😁🌻
That's funny what your son said hvyhaul. Mine says the same thing! What are Dad's for!