Fishing Report Burwell Saturday Sept 4/21.


Well-Known Member
I missed 2 of the best weeks of fishing recently, so I made every effort this week to get on Erie on this week's holidays as much as possible.

Neighbour and I left the house at 05 30.


Down the river at 07 15.


Really good to see the Marina so busy.

First rod in the water at 07 55.

Yeah, went to deep water.

First keeper walleye in the box at 08 05. Thought this could be an awesome trip, and then it started.

Sheephead, Sheephead, really small Walleye.

Big pause, Sheephead, Sheephead, really small Walleye.

Set up in 62 a little East , wandered over bait and hooks all trip, went out as deep as 65 which didn't really pay off.

The best depths were 59 - 63, caught at least 7 Sheephead, 1 pair in a dbl header, a single impressive Silver Bass specimen, and over 20 Walleye.

Two Walleye dbl headers including this one which was the last fish of our 12 kept.

Wonder which one was kept. 🤪


Yup, ran 2 of those as the starboard just kept firing, so added another to port.

Struggled to get a consistent bite for a while, had Erie Dearies out for 2, a J11 blue silver Rapala for only 1 and numerous spoon changes until "old faithful" kicked in.

Had numerous hard strikes without hookups, a few small draggers after a bump, all were noticed quickly and released.

Pretty easy to see why Walleye escape with the way their mouths tear.

By releasing the smalls and catching and keeping good quality sized fish, ended up with a great cooler of fish.


Ran only dipsys, on 1 set 125 back and spoons was killer.

Starboard dipsy on 1 set the standard, so port was set the same.

On 3 155 back was a long 3rd place.

Stopped changing lures once the Dreamweaver SS Perch started doing it's magic.

My bag from today.


Most of the family was here when I got home, so I will be Vac bagging what they left me. 😁

Still hoping for a few more trips out this year.
Nice shooting figuring out what it takes on the difficult days is cool love it when I get dialed in on picky fish
Had the same yesterday, soft mouths ( all but one spat the hook as soon as the hit the net), lots of knocks offs and fat too may drumsticks
I read that and I felt bad for you.

Your prior posts have made me consider trailering West and fish where you were fishing.

Burwell has fortunately turned on.
Hey don't feel bad for me Stephen that's just fishing. Some days you can't keep 'em off, other days you can't get them on. :) Yeah Glasgow, Stanley and Bruce have really slowed down for some reason while Burwell has pumped up. Happy to hear you and @Toad did well only a few miles east of us.
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@hvyhaul... Forgot to mention the guy I really felt sorry for was the boat that launched behind me at NEM yesterday. He backed down the ramp with his fiberglass boat with the winch unhooked on a roller trailer. Well you know how that worked out! Came off half way down smashing onto the concrete ramp, surprised you didn't hear it in Burwell. The nose of the boat was still on the trailer and he was trying to winch it back on. I thought good luck with that without a tilting trailer. The owner and helper came to see what they could do so not sure how that turned out.
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