Recent content by scooter 3006

  1. S

    Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all. Plus tailffeathers contest is back.

    I am going with between 3 and 1,812 Mr. Howe and if I don't win well I guess we will still go fishing in 2020, lol
  2. S

    Fishing Report Boater Etiquette

    We are better than this boys !! There are 3 sides to every story !
  3. S

    Late Post - Big Dave Charter Friday July 18th

    Hey Dave when you buying a bigger cooler so that Mr. Howe and I can come down and "BLESS" you with our appearance ?
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    Commercial Guys

    Any commercial guys out there willing to take a passenger along for a documentary. My nephew is working on a story for the Globe and Mail and needs one trip with some pics and interviews. No political Bull%%*t, he will sign a waiver or be a labourer for the day, what ever it will take. Please...
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    Elgin Conservation & Hunting Heritage Association - Family Fishing Day

    Hey Dave if I knew how to post pictures I would and the only pictures I have are not really worthy of posting here. Sorry !
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    Elgin Conservation & Hunting Heritage Association - Family Fishing Day

    Thanks for the compliments there Big Dave, we are just a small group trying to good things for people to get out enjoy things they may not have a chance to do.
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    Saturday May 31 Perch

    Hey Big Dave where did the Croc story go, man some people !
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    Elgin Conservation & Hunting Heritage Association - Family Fishing Day

    You are welcome to keep your catch of anything in season.
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    Elgin Conservation & Hunting Heritage Association - Family Fishing Day

    Elgin Conservation & Hunting Heritage Association is hosting a family fishing day May 31 starting at 8 am and finishing at 12 noon. Location 7435 Rogers Road, Aylmer, follow the signs and call Tom at 519-765-2536 for further directions if required. There is no charge for kids to fish and lunch...
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    Rough ride for Canada in the Rough founder

    Ottie 44, I dont get your point, what political skills are being developed by who, Thomas Pigeon? We have a right to vote for whoever we want. Nugent is radical but definately not the cowardly sheep type that we need to get rid of. If these guys break the law they need to take their lumps. If...
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    Dave, Where I am the birds are gobbling, just cant get them close enough. I did miss one opening morning but thats another. Our common buddy, Mr. Howe can tell you how he made me spend a few hundred to overcome that problem, lol.
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    Livin' the dream !

    Livin' the dream !
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    14 to go !

    14 to go !
  14. S

    Perch # 10,000

    BD Haven't had that much fun with my clothes on in quite some time. I was a bit hesitant to accept Toms invite, with my dutch heritage and all, but it was well worth it. Anyone who has not had the Big Dave perch experience is missing out large. Was that a large green man with us or a large black...