Now What?


Well-Known Member
I hear we can longer get minnows in Port Dover area is this true? I have never fished perch with dew worms before so not sure how practical it would be. Would appreciate hearing from anyone who has had good results with worms or any other alternative to minnows.
Erie Bait and Tackle, St Williams......Darrell has lots of minnows, talked to him Sunday.
Minow traps are like 6 bucks at Canadian tire. Dew worms also work I have caught just as many perch with worms as minnows. The only problem is getting them past the sunfish.
I'd try a dip net in the river in Dover, u can usually catch all you need quite quick. Beats buying them as you can catch them anytime and free
The closest selling minnows are at Hoovers Marina or next door at the fish cleaning shanty. Less $$ at the fish shanty. There is a sign on the right before you get to the Marina.

I don't know about using worms, never had any luck with them for perch. Actually never caught one with a worm when minnows weren't available.
What net do you use and where can you buy it? The nets I called 'smelt net' when I was younger (white nets) is the closest thing I have seen but the holes are pretty big for bait sized minnows. I can find those nets pretty easily.

Minnow traps are $20 at CDN tire.