Bad News, Another Bad Thing That Has Hit The Great Lakes

Fish Farmer

Well-Known Member
Buddy couldn't figure what he was marking on his finder, Was a couple feet thick.
So next time out he took his Aqua-View, dropped the camera down and couldn't believe his eyes, Billions of small shrimp.
So guys when you're out fishing Walleye and Perch, that cloud you see may not be bait..
Click Below
Hopefully Perch really like to eat them and can convert all that biomass into more perch! Somebody start working on a shrimp shaped hook, be great not to have to buy shiners

maybe a smaller version of this?

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Isn't there a shrimp in lake simcoe the perch like? Not sure what species it is but I have read the locals around Georgina and cooks bay have some local ice fishing lures they use that imitates some kind of freshwater shrimp..

With that being said look how long it took for native species to accept gobies as a food source. It sure would be nice to get some good news sometimes.
Did any in else notice the perch all had a brow ish sand texture in there belly the past few years I wounder if ti half digested shrimps
gor that martter the few walleye we got this year also had the same kinda stuff in them my niece thinKS it's cool to see what they been eating lol so she always dicesects a few belly when cleaning them
very intresting I never pay any attion to it till reading that
I went into the MNR in Dover the other day and when I told them about what one of our club members had found they kinda looked at me like OH! OH!, the cat is out. He told me so far the only info they have is, White Perch are the only fish that eat them and they haven't got anything to catch them with for more testing. He said their biggest worry right now is the Asian Carp.
Absoulutely Farmer with the shrimp for bait theory...we as erie fishermen on here know more thats going on with our walleye and perch then the scientests do. We also know the erie fishery has become so fragile over the years the numbers of walleye and perch have declined rapidly...Myself I feel our most greatest threat to are walleye and perch are 2 things for use erie recereational fishermen. The continutation of the excessive gill netting quotas. Number 2 the junk population has reached record numbers... and thats a fact. When I said fragile...I am referring to the imbalance of variety of species...when you over harvest the gamefish....the junkfish flourish...can anybody remember in the mid 80s erie had 80 million adult walleye...its lucky to have the 40 million today...

I can tell you first hand on last seasons walleye fishing trolling western erie the scum lines with the dead shrimp and yes I witnessed the junkfish feeding actively up on the scum lines....and i took a very good look on what they were feeding on and observed small flat pink to red shrimp and lots of them....I witnessed the same thing fishin LSC spring walleye with thousands of dead shrimp floating in numerous pockets on the surface on 2 of my trips down there last season...and yes fishing the erie scum lines produce walleye and rainbow catches... absoulutely

Its just a matter of time the asian carp will make it into our lakes?....unless they find a way to distinguish the species intirely...or full proof prevention...

The bright spots are erie walleye has had 2 good year class reproductions in a row...quote my years? ..2014 & 2015
As most of you guys remember last season catching the small good eaters and then the tiny ones we tried to release so gently to live...
The rainbow fishery will thrive again in the west central basin this season after a great season last year....thanks alot for the great entertainment...and i am thanking the erie southern states for stocking them..

I think overall the 2017 season will definatley produce coolers full of walleye and trout....10 percent of the water holds 90 percent of the walleye and rainbows where i fish...and i spent alot of time locating them ...and I find the strike zone is a very fine line...drop below or sometimes above and your into the junk...I am stating my overall trend on last seasons fishing events...and every trip out was a challenge to get on the fish

it is what it is....
Really, these have been around for a number of years already (first reported in Port Dover perch in 2006) so it shouldn't come as a huge surprise. Not saying they're a good thing but they've been here for 10 years now so I think the horse has already left the stable.
Thanks G. Mech . You'd think they would know that the MNRF is a partner with OFAH with the that Fish Farmer provided a link to.

And you would think they'd know the Feds DFO have perfected equipment to capture samples of these little critters long ago.
Are these the same little critters that collect on your down rigger cables after a day out fishing?? Because if so then they've been around for a while! My first witness of them collecting on the cables was over 10yrs ago fishing with a buddy......either way this is not a good things at all!!
Are these the same little critters that collect on your down rigger cables after a day out fishing?? Because if so then they've been around for a while! My first witness of them collecting on the cables was over 10yrs ago fishing with a buddy......either way this is not a good things at all!!

Those are actually spiny water fleas I believe, these shrimp are much bigger.
Those are actually spiny water fleas I believe, these shrimp are much bigger.
Thanks for the correction G.Mech. You're absolutely right...I forgot that's what they were. After reading that report again the shrimp are around 1.7cm so that's substatually bigger then those water fleas..