Sunday at Nanticoke

erie feeln

Well-Known Member
Not again...back to back bad days out of Nanticoke, oh the shame :arghh:. Visibility was bad until it burned off, so thankful for a GPS. Washed a lot of body baits and lures and ended up with only a silver bass and a big old ugly sheephead. Have the fish left the elbow area or am I just having bad luck? :(
Lots of fun chatter on the radio sounded like some may have been American's and one of them doesn't like the Blue Jay...What???:eek: :wtf:

Thank you Duck Soup, found that 5 mile marker. (y)
Go Jays Go.
I was out today also for a couple of hours...only one silver bass also. yesterday was my day with 4 landed...same area today (60 FOW SE f Hoovers )but no action
All hit and miss off the stacks as of late according to die hard locals and I. Have they moved deep or west? No answers here thatsa fer shue.
Fish seem to have moved far east . water temps are all over the place .we had a hard time finding bait and hooks as well. we aare fishing almost 20 miles east of dover now 76 fow and a faster troll at3 mph spoons on 10 colour core. Reel Therapy
Yeah! fished the Elbow yesterday morning and I guess the time has come to head to Port Burwell if we are serious about catching some walleye. We ended up with 2 eyes and 2 bows. That was more than enough for us but a little more action would have been appreciated.
We sucked too....enough said. It was a good day with my son on the water, blah, blah, blah.....we just sucked. ;)
Fished Hastings yesterday am and limited out early so we trolled back towards port for an hour and picked up 2 nice pics up high 25' over 52 fow . Body baits on lead . TONS OF BAIT BALLS and hooks .
Ya. fished nanticoke sunday. 4 picks 1 bow 8 colors Rip Redfins 115 to 130 ft. same on sat. too many bugs to stay out longer 2 to 3 miles from the end of the point.