Duck Soup
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  • Hey Duck Soup.. nice report at Normandale...with these high west winds all this week was thinking of fishing Normandale,, it should be pretty good to go out there maybe wednesday and thursday from macdonalds marina... Burwell will be to rough,, just asking,,,maybe see you out there,,thx..
    Have been watching your many valuable posts. New to the area in the past year and having some difficulty locating perch in the Long Point area. Any chance I could get some info out of Turkey Point. Thanks
    Any spots to take my cousins out for perch besides Burwell Arnie. They go back to Mississippi Tuesday so I have one day to try and get them some nice perch.
    Arnie would the Bay be ok to fish with the wind forecast for Sunday? Hoping to get out for the first time if possible.
    see you fish bluff bar. oi was out there with the wife sat night .just wonder are you fishing the deep part at the west end and what are you using for pike .i want to take my 14 year old son next saturday.thanks for anyhelp you may be terry
    Welcome aboard Duck Soup! Great avatar photo! Hope your friends on the LPWA side of the house like the new forum.
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