OLT 77 Goose Call


Well-Known Member
This is an old wood call my father in law Rick Benson had and we went through a lot of his old gear and I found it and started honking on it, has a very nice high cluck to it but the low end sounds like crap.

And way to make these old calls sound decent? As compared to today's acrylics? or Long flutes?

He also found 3 old bands from the 80's that he let me put on my call lanyard.
If Rick Benson is your father-in-law tell him Arnold says hello. I haven't seen Rick since the days he hunted with John Piggott.
Okay, thanks I will leave it in the cabinet on the shelf. I use a Sean Mann eastern shoreman right now and am getting better at my calling with it.

Didnt know if it was possible to shave the reed or cut it a bit to get a better low tone.

Arnold, I will tell him you say hello. He has talked lots of hia days on the bay with John in the layout on the hunt for reds and cans. One day I'd love to get him out on the water or even a walk in at the point. Seems he is far more interested in fishing now than hunting but I'm sure the first bird down would hook him again.
Hello WinSX3Tom,

I read an article a while ago that the Olt 77 Goose Call is considered a collector's item.

I have an Olt 66 Duck Call as well as an Olt 77 Goose Call from the late 1970s ... they were considered very good calls at the time costing $9.95 each vs the cheaper black plastic Olt Duck Call that was about $3.50 at the time. There was also the Chieftien Duck Call at $2.25 that was available.

I agree with the previous suggestion ... keep it on the mantle.
