Fishing Report Nanticoke July 10th


R.O.C. (Radio Operator's Certificate)
Q & I, trolled some cranks and worm harness for a couple of hours this morning and managed 4 walleye and a bow including this beast that tipped the scale a 13.0 lbs. It's not the longest walleye we've ever caught but it certainly had the biggest girth. She went right back to swim another day after a quick picture and weigh-in. TD-11's and worm harnesses all did okay trolling shallow at 1.4 mph.

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That is one big HOG Mr. G. Thanks for leaving it for me, if I catch it tomorrow I will send her back too. My wife and I went out late this AM out of Nanticoke and the wind shifted 180 degrees as soon as we hit the water. NE to SW. I read here today wasn't supposed to be any good to fish today with the off shore N wind and cold front. You found them though.

My wife wasn't into heading to far out once she saw a whitecap so I tooled around Peacock looking for some bass. A nice Smallie hit her Shad Rap and spit the hook not 5 feet from the net, she nearly cried, it was a good 18 inches, no 19, no more like 20", yep 20".
Hey @G.Mech nice job on the walleye ...thats also my personnal best 13 + lbs..when I seen the nice pic I turned my computer off and then I thought I wonder if he kept it?...well I rebooted my computer and was reading your text with the pic...and to my suprise you released the big girl or boy.?.I don't see flabby stomach skin... i was a catchin a few big girls a few weeks ago spawned out..but all under 10

the fish looks weight proportional....definately the size and girth make it a mounter..

Anyway your slow approach with the worm harness at 1.4 mph paid off nicely...thats exactly how we fish Lake St.Clair walleye and erie is the water temps up your way? do you have any warmer water up there from days of SW last week... just wondered?
Water was 66-68 degrees on the surface and 63 on the bottom. We have only ever boated 3 walleye over 13# and all were fishing out of Nanticoke. Most were much longer fish however, this one was quite chunky and a very nice specimen. I always let the big ones go, the smaller ones are much better eating anyway...speaking of that, the oil is hot right now!
ya G.Mech you have all the warm water up your for that.
I saw 68F today on the surface. A bit cool for this time or would that be normal. I thought it would be 70 by now at least. Reports of Perch being caught at Woodlawn. 3 guys 7 perch in 3 hours. Where they be???

My PB is 11 pounds ice fishing in Quinte, and I thought that was a porker.

I have Calloway's by the way. Nice hat.
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Nice looking fish G.Mech, congrats!

I was just the guide and net man on this trip due to a self inflicted head injury suffered on Saturday night at my college reunion :hurting:. The Q man was the master angler and did a great job getting that to the boat on 15# braid! He really does have to learn to dress more appropriately for fishing though, the golf stuff has no place on my boat.