Burwell- Smokin-Hot


Well-Known Member
Well the fish are in at Port Burwell. We hit Burwell early this morning, along with everybody else that owns a boat and fishes. Second fish was truly a monster sheep head, have to say I’ve caught my share of sheep head, but DAM, thats a Biggin.... and off course on the lead core. So we got out fishing by 8am and had our limit(18) by 11am. We lost 8 at the back of the boat too. A jumbo perch, silver bass and another normal size sheep came aboard too. Water was beautiful, all fish came from 54-56 fow, and everything was on a ripplin Redfin.
Image may contain: 1 person, sky, ocean, outdoor, water and nature
Image may contain: 1 person, sky, ocean, outdoor, water and nature
Image may contain: 2 people, ocean, sky, outdoor, water and nature
Image may contain: outdoor
Image may contain: 1 person, sky, ocean, outdoor, water and nature
Great to here about your productive morning. They have arrived and at different depths. Thanks for the update.
Looks like you need a bigger cooler 🙂 I was looking at the Can Tire flyer tonight - right now the Coleman Extreme 6 Marine (keeps ice for 6 days) cooler 120 quarts (204 cans) is on for half price reg $200 for $100. Just saying in case anyone looking as wish I had known , as bought a smaller version a month ago for $125. Stainless steel hardware and make a great seat.
Great fishing day, pics, and report. I fished the elbow and although other reports I’m reading have been good , we got skunked for first time I can remember this time of year - and tried everything (depth, lures and speed) - just one of those days
Slight detour and swim at Bluff Bar on way in sure felt good though 🙂
The big one is swimming, but yes I wanted to try a small one in the smoker. Ya never know until you try...lol.
Ahm, I'm pretty sure it will be edible, but but but they sure as he'll don't look it 🤢🤮,
You may have heard the saying " eat with your eyes first " when food is served to you , well it really applies in this case to me
I will give you 👍👍for bravery for trying them
Ahm, I'm pretty sure it will be edible, but but but they sure as he'll don't look it 🤢🤮,
You may have heard the saying " eat with your eyes first " when food is served to you , well it really applies in this case to me
I will give you 👍👍for bravery for trying them
When I filleted the small sheephead the meat was a lot nice than the silver bass. I smoked a big silver bass from last week with the rainbows. The bass was just a bit dryer than the rainbow, but the taste was spot on, delicious. Remember sheephead are freshwater drum, it’s southern cousins,the Redfish, the black drum, are all in the same family. Reds and black drum move from fresh, to brackish, to salt water. But if the sheepy taste like crap, I’m sure my dog will love it...lol.
Was told at Burwell on Saturday they had 250 boats pay at the boat ramp at the trailer park.
At 8am took us about 30 mins to launch & then took us about 45 mins to come in off the lake cause of the line ups.
Great day on the water on Saturday am. Fishing was on fire but shut down about 120200725_160002.jpg20200725_121739.jpg
When I filleted the small sheephead the meat was a lot nice than the silver bass. I smoked a big silver bass from last week with the rainbows. The bass was just a bit dryer than the rainbow, but the taste was spot on, delicious. Remember sheephead are freshwater drum, it’s southern cousins,the Redfish, the black drum, are all in the same family. Reds and black drum move from fresh, to brackish, to salt water. But if the sheepy taste like crap, I’m sure my dog will love it...lol.
"I’m sure my dog will love it...lol."
Well if the dog spits it out and start locking its ass
And you ask what the hell its doing , I'm pretty sure its trying to get the taste out if its mouth 😏
Let us know what you think of it , and trust me being European back ground I eat stuff that would make some 🤮, its all what you grown up with or willing to try , I just can't get past the way the look
@Ticker... When in Florida I caught lots of saltwater drum which we ate all winter that were delicious. Mostly caught Redfish (Red Drum) and sheepshead the Zebra striped fish which are not anything like our sheepshead. In fact most saltwater fish are great to eat. The third photo is a sea trout that looks very much like our brook trout only with sharp teeth and taste even better.

Florida 080.jpgFlorida 061.jpgFlorida 059.jpg
Well Brian, I've seen big sheepshead before but just how close to the camera lens was it. I'm sure it was busy but it looks like it may have been worth the effort.
@Ticker... When in Florida I caught lots of saltwater drum which we ate all winter that were delicious. Mostly caught Redfish (Red Drum) and sheepshead the Zebra striped fish which are not anything like our sheepshead. In fact most saltwater fish are great to eat. The third photo is a sea trout that looks very much like our brook trout only with sharp teeth and taste even better.

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The speckled seatrout is also in the drum family although is looks a lot like our walleye in it's shape.
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