Get Hooked

Well-Known Member
Just curious who keeps a either a Paper or E-Log and is it worth the the time and effort to have one. Does it help you catch fish on a slow day? Your opinions appreciated and maybe Post a Sample Page of what info you keep.
I do.

Simple spreadsheet, date, rod position, method, distance back, lure, catch count etc.

I don't get into weather, sun/shade, wind direction, boat speed, water depth/temp or details like that.
Used do one with everything, boat speed, weather temp barometer reading, depth cloud cover, sunny , humidity, river conditions when I fished the rivers, high low muddy all tackle used how much line etc. It used to help tremendously on those days when the fish were finicky, could look back and say hey, here is what I did on those days. Do not do it so much any more rely on my memory as I do not get out as often as I did back then. Work Place back injury stopped me from doing the fishing I once did.
Absaluatly. I truly believe it gives one a sharp angle that will cut thru the BS. Even when I got my ass handed to me and skunked I take notes. Date,time, Air Temp,water temp, water depth,wind direction. # of Fish Cought and if possible what the fish are feeding on when caught. I keep notes more then a fine detailed journal. I know it helps me get on the fish and when to start fishing specific areas and species.
I keep a log for both fishing and duck hunting and look every once in awhile at them and it can be crazy how dates line up and either catch me fish or make a bad duck hunting day a good one just by looking at old logs and repeating it.
I keep a log of how many times I get out, whether that means out with someone in their boat, or just to the pier, and how many times I get skunked. I will make a side note with the date when I catch my first yellow perch of the year, usually an itty bitty lil thing I throw back, and then when I've caught the first yellow(s) worth keeping and I'll mark any date that I've had a really good day. I don't get into what bait, or depth (when I've been out in boat,) or anything like that (because I usually don't know), just how many I caught, what species they were (a fish is a fish and I count'em all, mainly for comparison's sake the following year and for those days when my son decides to contact me to let me know he went fishin when I perhaps didn't, and he wants to try stick it to me about how many he's caught. You know the friendly, yet not so friendly competition of who has caught more. With him, I have yet to lose that contest.)

That might change when the day comes that I have my own boat, then I might be a little more interested in depths, baits etc but for off the pier, or out with someone else in their boat, all I need to really know right now is how many I caught, how many I kept, and the date because it's a pretty safe bet that if I'm talking perch we all know what I used for bait and if I'm out with someone else in their boat, pretty safe bet that whomever it is I've gone out with probably is using the same lures as everyone else.
I have been keeping a log for over 30 years on an excel spreadsheet. I record date, time, location, fish caught (or lack of fish) , lures, depth etc. It has been very useful over the years to compare lures, depth and weather.