Off Topic What Paint


Well-Known Member
Last summer we picked up a older Princecraft 196 Super Pro. The hull is solid, no loose rivets, no leaks but the paint is showing it's age and the boat has a lot of dock rash. My question is what type of paint do I use to repaint? An epoxy? Enamel? SOmeone suggested anti-fouling paint but I have read that it fades quite quickly. My plan is to sand it to smooth out the edges of any spots where the paint s scratched down to bare aluminum and to scuff the surface for good adhesion then wash to remove any dust, prime and top coat. I have access to a booth and one of the painters at work has offered to spray it for me.
I asked that question a day or so ago, they say the paint doesn't matter but to use a epoxy primer.

Read my posting a few below yours.
It is a good idea to rub the boat down with vinegar after sanding it oxidizes the aluminum and helps the paint stick.
Personally I really like ppg products. Your right on scuffing the whole boat. Get scratch marks out. Epoxy primer. Sand down again. Primer. Sand. I really like the delfleet line. It's a single stage paint but it's extremely tough! Almost impossible to Orange Peel. And you can wet sand and polish if you desire. Not sure where your located but if you go to klassen auto parts in straffordville they are amazing. Talk to John. If you have anymore questions ask away
So we went at it with the scrapers and Sanders on the holiday weekend. Last Friday and Saturday the paint went on it. The guy who does all of our vinyl at work did up some graphics and pin stripe for me and that went on tonight. I'm really happy with how she turned out20190517_111539.jpg20190524_174729.jpg20190531_204357.jpg
@M-P VERY NICE great job to you and your helpers, enjoy the ride...