What colour Dipsy Divers work best?

Reading replies, looks like every color works. It's the lure you want to put in the fishies mouth anyway.
I know guys that just paint them all black.
The lure is almost 4' back anyway from the dipsy.
a wise old charter captain told me that the main things to worry about are DEPTH, SPEED, CADENCE(lure action) LURE SIZE and finally COLOUR.. in that order,, i have been fishing Erie for 40 years and a good graph and trolling motor is always key to catching fish,, alot of the times your surface speed dosent match your lure speed because of currents,,so some times your going 3.5 or 2.5 depending on which way your going,,i aways fish 2 directions and once i figure out the speed i stick there and wham,,,,fish on,,Pocono