Water conditions Thames


Well-Known Member
Anybody checked out the river west of London yet today? Was thinking of giving it a go with pike and walleye opening.

FRANKIE,I haven`t fished West of London since the Walleye Season closed.But I am guessing that the river is back to normal flow,if not lower levels.I was looking around near the bottom of Fanshawe Dam this morning,and all the gate`s on the Dam were closed,The Thames River there had a normal flow.Good Luck to you and everyone else fishing the Walleye & Pike opener tomorrow.:)
jacobhiebert20,If you are close to the Delaware area,there are many spot`s to Fish.I would stop in at Jack`s Live Bait in Delaware,(his name is Rick)and he will give you an update on the Fishing,and some of the spot`s in that area to Fish.Lambeth Rod & Tackle in Lambeth of course,is also a great Help,Steve is the owner there.The Thames is Big,and there are many,many spot`s.I am looking forward on doing a good Hike,after this opening weekend,to try my luck,once the crowd`s have thinned out a bit,likely going through the week. All the Best,and remember that there is a Slot-Size on the Walleye.
Went out last evening for a few hours. Water level looked good and the water was clear. Used a white double tail Mr. Twister. No bites, but a nice evening out.
Thanks for the update,PeterK.I did some scouting this morning on the Thames River in my neck of the Woods,and talked to a few Angler`s,some Walleye`s were caught,but not as many as on the opening Day yesterday morning.That West Wind is quite COLD out there this morning compared to yesterday, the Cold Front might of shut the Bite off a bit.I will be heading out through the week,with the Fishing Rod in hand this time.:):) 056.JPG045.JPG Sometimes I use the Kayak,to catch the Walleye,(last year photo`s-see date)for a change,more casting space.Good Luck to All.
I didn't make it out, but, may try in the evening sometime this week. Thanks for the info guys!!
Frankie,as long as this cool weather we are experiencing right now,it should keep most of the Walleye`s around for awhile.I have caught them in the past year`s around the Delaware area,into early June.I fish for them in the rapids early morning,and then as the Sun climbs higher through the day,I will target deeper Hole`s.Going fishing in the evening`s as you might be doing,has also been productive for me & other`s also.Good Luck to you & other Angler`s.