Turkey Hunter Uses other Turkey Hunter blind

Kevin Smith

Well-Known Member
Well took my 12 year old daughter out today. Set up my decoys and we wait for daylight. 1 hen pops out of the bush and we watched for about 20 minutes. sat in the turkey blind till about 8 nothing else came out so i went out to get my decoys to discover some ass hole shot a turkey out of my blind yesterday. There was a pile of feathers and blood rate in my spread. i tracked his foot prints rate from the kill spot to my turkey blind. I Hope who ever u are to try it again.
Me and a buddy where out this morning and were having a hard time finding birds
as well and the bush we hunt had birds in it but nothing was around so we left we were on
the way back to the car and in the field was 2 turkey skins and feet and guts so we left and stopped to
talk to another hunter and he was having troubles to and he told us whats going on he said that
the guys putting up wind mills are coming in and hunting before work and they don't even
have permission to hunt and he said this is going on all around this area NOT HAPPY:mad:
Had my spot poached on me last year so I know exactly how you guys feel :mad:, too bad not everyone respects private property signs like most law abiding hunters....some feel they can hunt anywhere. Absolute BS!!
Yes kukielka not a bad idea the problem is the land owner don't live
around in the area and these guys no this found out later this afternoon
my buddy ran into the hunter we were talking to in the morning and he told my buddy after
we left each other in the morning he went to another spot of his and he seen more
of these guys out there so he approached them and asked if they had permission to
hunt they just told him to go away were not hurting anything just doing a little hunting before
work :mad:
Went to go to my blind this morning,only to find it gone
Perhaps the piece of sh&@ that used your blind, decided to pick up one of his own :mad:
Can't believe the nerve of some guys out there
Had it at a conservancy property on the east 1/4 line by the 3rd concession since week before opening day
Anyone see anything, shoot me an e-mail, I'll take care of the rest
Thats B.S. Thats y i don't use ground blinds or trail cams i can't
be spending money just for someone to come along and take it.
It happens all the time i have two ground blinds and don't use them.
I hope something turns up for you
Wow! now that takes balls to not only poach a guys spot but steal his blind on the way out. Hope you find yer stuff and the people who took it
Went to go to my blind this morning,only to find it gone
Perhaps the piece of sh&@ that used your blind, decided to pick up one of his own :mad:
Can't believe the nerve of some guys out there
Had it at a conservancy property on the east 1/4 line by the 3rd concession since week before opening day
Anyone see anything, shoot me an e-mail, I'll take care of the rest
Ya I guess I am lucky that mine was still there. Y can't ppl respect other ppls stuff we are all hunters. My guess it was a young hunter who has no respect. Hopefully karma bite these ppl in ass
Wow! now that takes balls to not only poach a guys spot but steal his blind on the way out. Hope you find yer stuff and the people who took it

Heres the question about that, was the blind that was hunted in on public land? I dont think it's right to do so but, and I never would.. but there is no law against using someone elses blind without there permission, it just makes a difference whether or not whoever the culprit is had permission to hunt, that area and had a tag or hunting license or date whether or not it's actually poaching. Completely immoral but not illegal on public land. on the other note I really wish I could say, "I can't believe someone took your blind!"... but I can't in todays society. I wouldnt throw age in the equation tho, ignorance doesnt have an age.
This is a big problem in the upper grand river in Dunnville people
spend a lot of time and money putting up duck blinds only to go out and find
someone else in there hide and the owners mark it with there name but does not matter a lot of fights
have started out there because of this.There is so much ignorance out there but that's the world we live
in now.Just because a tent is on public land doesn't give the right to use it but if they think they can
get away with it they will.
.Just because a tent is on public land doesn't give the right to use it but if they think they can
get away with it they will.

I have mixed feelings on this Gunner. I have used someone else's natural turkey blind that was on public land and I didn't feel bad about it. Whats the difference with a portable blind? Would you feel better if someone sat beside it and shot a bird? I have also been tempted to use someones ladder stand (again on public land) when it was in a spot I was going to hang my own. I have had a hang-on stand stolen once ,I found it 4 years later and left a note thanking the thief for taking care of it:rolleyes:. This was on private land. I also had a trail camera stolen from a public spot. Mind you I also have a picture of 2 young bowhunters posing in front of my camera. That is why I only leave my trail cameras out from Monday to Friday and except for one ladder stand I hunt mostly from a climber. Just some information for the turkey blind users (and I am one), you don't need to set them up before the season. You can set it up the morning of your hunt and the birds won't pay the least amount of attention to it. TC
Ya i hunt conservation land and spots like this i will only use homemade tree
stands yes people will use it but i if i show up i would hope they would step back
as i would for them but to steel a guys blind wow that's low and i can understand a guy being
mad about someone using his blind without trying to get permission first.This is how bad things start.
And i understand what you a saying to TC.I guess i like to see peace between fellow hunters the good honest
hunters that is
Stealing a blind or stand is pretty low. I hunt public land a lot and have seen numerous ladder stands that wouldn't be hard to take. There is actually one still up from last deer season. I know what you mean about duck blinds too. It's a problem in LPB as well. Between hunters and antis putting manure in the blinds it can be tough to be a duck hunter. TC
my blind is on private land and is posted no trespassing i woulkd never set it up on public land

That's what I thought Kevin. It's a real shame you can't even set something up to take your kids hunting without some a$$ screwing it up. Unfortunately that is why I don't set up my blind ahead of time. Last year on one farm I hunt I found 2 different 20ga empties from someone who snuck in. At least once a year during either deer or turkey season the owner has to call the cops on a trespasser.
If I had to pay money for the blind, I feel no one else should even consider using it.....go buy your own!
Sit beside it all you want, hope u get something, no hard feelings
If I make a blind out of logs and branches from around the property , use it all you want, first one there gets it too
I would never even consider stealing anyone else's stuff. Seen lots of blinds and trail cams out there too
Came to the decision that my next trail cam is 100% going to be one that takes a temporary data plan, just incase
At least I'll have a pic of the thief sent to my iPhone so I can post it on here, and also have them charged
I also don't have the option of setting up my blind a day before a lot of the time, therefore setting it up and leaving it there was the best option for me
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Sorry to hear about your stolen blind Dicker. But to be honest leaving a blind up on public property for a week before turkey season and expecting it to be there is a little naive. I'm gathering that it was on NCC land? I mean people will break into locked barns to steal a quad and someone leaves a blind out in the woods that you can take down in two minutes and walk away with? What kind do you use? I have 2, a "chair" blind that isn't made any more and a hub style pop-up blind. I'm just curios on why you need to set it up even a day ahead of time. I carry mine in and set them up right then. My chair blind takes like 3 minutes while the hub blind takes maybe 10 by the time I stake it down. I scout out where I want to set up and clear the area ahead of time. Again sorry to hear about your loss but in the future I would suggest carrying it in and out each time, a pain I know, but unfortunately it's what you need to do. TC
I set my blind out ahead of time so I can just walk to it in the morning, and just sit down and relax (more enjoyable for me I guess)
For me, I use turkey hunting as a way to relax and enjoy the time outdoors
Kinda cool seeing deer, rabbits, raccoons, foxes.........You name it! sometimes 2 feet away from you
I really don't care if I shoot a turkey ( I don't really like the taste of them that much), but the farmer where I usually hunt sure appreciates when I get one(y)
But you do make a good point, unfortunately, leaving a blind out is no longer an option for anyone, including me