Trolling for Walleye Port Bruce


Well-Known Member
Good morning everyone....this is my first year fishing with a boat....I have 2 downriggers...dipsys rods and planer boards....I have roads that have 5,7and 10 lead tackle consists of Hot lips, husky jerks, ripplin redfins, spoons and worm harnesses....looking for advice on the best set up? What tackle to use? Depths to fish? Speed? Best times to troll? Are the walleye in port Bruce yet? Are there a lot of bows?.......any help is much appreciated, thanks
Silver red fin 10 feet off bottom, next fire tiger plug 10 feet higher. 5 colours with a spoon and 7 colours with another around 2mph. Rainbows higher and faster
image.jpeg Was out last Saturday, no walleye for me, but one hell of a lot of silver bass. Going to give it another try this weekend.
They will show sooner or later.
yes your picture is a reminder of what i will be avoiding this summer fishin for lake erie walleye... hopefully the viewers understand the numbers of these fish out here offshore in the central basin...just to mention your ball bearing snap is a bit on the large size snaped to your RR...anyway I would try inshore trolling on your way out looking for bait in 20 to 50 fow to start...averaging 2 to 3 pics and bows ..on the flip side there might be sheephead to contend with...thanks for the heads up @obrienjim

there was a 13 lb pic caught in 17 fow off erieau sat