Thanks to the LPWMU and LPWA!


Active Member
Once again a huge thanks to everybody at the "Unit" - Randal, Hunter and Fred - for another great season! It was a shame Randal had to leave (but understandable), Hunter was a great addition to the staff and it was great to have Fred back (thanks for coming out of retirement again to help out). Another great thanks to the directors and volunteers at the LPWA - the blind repair/camo to get things ready and especially whoever facilitates the self-serve kiosk. We are so fortunate to have access to such fantastic hunting opportunities. Already dreaming of next season!
Thanks so very much!
Ron Smith
Marshall Porteous-Smith
Finn Porteous-Smith
Your two words are right on the money Aquaman.. Fortunate and Fantastic...the variety of waterfowl species along with how the system works gives everyone exceptional opportunities to experience waterfowl hunting at its best!