Sustaining membership question


Well-Known Member
Hi There,

Thinking of getting a sustaining membership this year. Can anyone tell me what the benefits of having a sustaining plus family membership? Who is included as family? Do minors pay the youth fee? What about non-hunting minors? I see the advantages for me but I have my son and nephew who will be accompanying me and I am not sure what the family membership means for them and for me.

Also, what benefits are there for just being a member but not sustaining? What are blind fees then?


Hello River Duck,

I will try to answer most of your questions from a member's perspective.

1) For a mere $20.00 you become a Long Point Waterfowl Association (LPWA) member if you already have an OFAH membership. You can save some money in the future by paying your OFAH membership fee through the LPWA. I support the OFAH by paying the full amount directly to the OFAH as I have had automatic renewal for quite sometime.

2) As a LPWA member you may vote at the LPWA Annual General Meeting (AGM) held in the spring every year but a LPWA membership is not required to attend the LPWA AGM.

3) As a LPWA member you receive two (2) newsletters (one after the AGM and one in August). These are very informative!

4) As a LPWA member you pay the same Blind Fees at the Long Point Waterfowl Management Unit (LPWMU) as a non-member because the LPWMU is a public marsh.

5) As a LPWA member you are supporting quality waterfowling in a well managed public marsh.

6) As a sustaining LPWA member ($225.00 vs $20.00) you are providing $200.00 to the operation of the LPWMU regardless of how often you may hunt the unit during the season.

7) As a sustaining LPWA member you may hunt both A Zone as well as B Zone as often as you like. The daily rate will be $20.00 (including HST) per person in both zones this year.

8) As a sustaining LPWA member you have some "phone in" benefits regarding renting a blind.

9) As a sustaining LPWA member you receive a LPWA camo hat for the first year.

Either way you will be helping to maintain a very special place.

All the best.

Jerome Katchin, D.V.M.
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I think the Unit has approx. 50 days of shooting throughout the season so figure how much you can get out there and you will have your cost per day. I've had a Sustaining since it's inception and some years I don't get my monies worth and other years it's bonus ! All in all it helps with the Unit's operating costs and of course membership does have some privilages. Oh ! You get a cool hat too ! As for taking non-hunters out I have in the past and they have not had to pay. It's a great way to give a kid or even some adult a chance to see what's it all about. Good idea to let the boys at the Office know just in case of emergencies( or whatever )they have knowledge of who is out there.