Stomp, what's with the "Want a Date" adds


Well-Known Member
Listen first off I don't know what kind of guy would want to date me. Next off my wife wants to know why they are asking me for a date as well. The other thing is where it says select an age there isn't a window for my age, what's up with that?
Google Adsense posts the Ads you are seeing based on your Browsing habits. Example: I browsed for and purchased a "Security Camera" Now I have ads for Security Cameras on my webpages.
The ads keep the site running. The local sponsorship helps, but it doesn't pay enough to keep the site running. If everyone blocks the ads as suggested, there will be no 6-8. I could, I guess, offer a subscription service, but how many of you would pay to read the continual musings of @WhatsthePoint :LOL:? @Big Wally, haven't you been able to sell stuff through this site and get some enjoyment from it? Is seeing the ads that come with the site too high a price to pay for this service?
The ads keep the site running. The local sponsorship helps, but it doesn't pay enough to keep the site running. If everyone blocks the ads as suggested, there will be no 6-8. I could, I guess, offer a subscription service, but how many of you would pay to read the continual musings of @WhatsthePoint :LOL:? @Big Wally, haven't you been able to sell stuff through this site and get some enjoyment from it? Is seeing the ads that come with the site too high a price to pay for this service?
You could give WTP his own sticky to post todays quote---quicker that way:ROFLMAO:
The ads keep the site running. The local sponsorship helps, but it doesn't pay enough to keep the site running. If everyone blocks the ads as suggested, there will be no 6-8. I could, I guess, offer a subscription service, but how many of you would pay to read the continual musings of @WhatsthePoint :LOL:? @Big Wally, haven't you been able to sell stuff through this site and get some enjoyment from it? Is seeing the ads that come with the site too high a price to pay for this service?

I think you got that right.....Stomp...Right
I like the ads!
I get ads for American Muscle all the time
often offering $10 off my next purchase.

Thank you
I get ads for drum sanders and band saws. They have worked in the past much to my wife's chagrin I have a new sander ( thanks for the prompting Horty)
Cars and tires here. I remember someone a couple of years ago complaining about ads for Asian and Russian brides. We also pointed out to him that AdSense ads are browser history driven ahahahaha.