Starting out dipsey or leadcore

Yeah, as Cam Reeves asked, I am working through all these options for my Yak. For sure, pulling A single dipsey, size feel it on a literally slows and pulls the yak to one side. I have to have the rudder against the pull and single paddle also against the pull (actually, because of using dipseys, I carry a canoe paddle that I use when trolling in addition to my double yak paddle), I have not tried double dipseys though do do double jets. I'm a strong guy....maybe not that strong to pull double dipseys. IF weighted lines get the depth of at least a 0 dipsey....without the drag. I think I am in for adding a set up to the collection. Like Jammer said, nobody started with 20 rods....HAH.

King Joe
Do you run braid or monno with your online weights