
I know it isn’t in our province
But this is what we as hunters will all eventually face as the number of hunters decrease our voice will get smaller and smaller, and as the big city folk start moving into the more rural areas we will be faced with this battle eventually here in Ontario.
A guy I work with already lost his hunting spot
He used to hunt a field just outside st Thomas every year black powder
Now it’s surrounded by new subdivisions
For anyone who thinks it won’t happen to them or it won’t happen here..
just a matter of time..
There is new subdivisions all around my neck of the woods and believe me I have seen less deer traffic since then.
I assume they have been pushed back and have got themselves a new route they take out of site.
They are mistaken if they think banning hunting is the answer to all of their worries

P.S. i was speechless and then I couldn’t hold back
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I did a Google map search of the area and found it to be and island linked to the main island and yes there is a large build up of houses(noticed a lot of swimming pools ?) surrounding the parks (parcs) in question which just so happen to surround three golf courses.,, go figure ? Unfortunately you can't stop progress. As we grow so does the need to live somewhere and of course if you have money you can afford to buy up choice land to build your own little piece of heaven on, nothing wrong with living the dream right ?

You might compare it with Dufferin Woods or like places close to large urban centers ? Unless we start building up instead of out it's just a matter of time until there's a sub-division in your back forty. I see a lot of new houses being built in Norfolk County , some are clumped together at crossroads but a lot are down a concession , back in the woods. Can't blame the old farmer that wants to retire and his kids have jobs in the city and don't want to farm , so he does what he has to and cashes in on his investment. God bless him ! He's earned it.

As for leaf licking, tree hugging, squirrel kissers ? Don't get me started.
The part of the article that made me upset was the lady who video taped and followed the Hunter just because he was standing on the side of the road with his un loaded crossbow

I agree there is nothing wrong with buying up land and owning it

but giving your neighbours a hard time about hunting just because you “love animals” and hunting is for “murderers” and “psychopaths”
That I have a problem with..
if they think it’s too over populated they can easily not allow hunting with centre fire rifles and limit it to bows only and shotguns.
Lots of places in the US have urban hunts where you can shoot a deer off of your deck in a subdivision. I was at a meeting where a politician gave a talk about blood trailing a deer in his (high-end) subdivision. Other cities are dealing with overpopulation by hiring sharp shooters to cull deer at night with rifles! These guys get up on a scissor lift and shoot down at bait piles, neck shooting deer to ensure they don't die in someones yard. Imagine that going down here!

Thunder bay is getting closer, but the hunt is limited to the more rural areas within the urban boundary (to my recollection).

It all just boils down to local attitudes and perceptions. It can be pretty stark how different attitudes towards hunting can be depending on the local flavour.
Come on, sizzer lifts at night, neck shots, back yard blood trailing, that'll save hunting? 40 yrs of deer hunting, scare's me your out there to?