Off Topic Something fishy about pharmaceuticals ?

Old Cut LongPointer

Well-Known Member
Just got my scripts filled and got short changed by two months. Wtf ? Rumour is they are worried about running out of drugs ? I call total BS to that as that's their one and only job is to dispense drugs and drug companies make this stuff in mass. Not one pill at a time ! ! It's not like a COVID related drug ( for which there isn't yet ) just usual blood pressure stuff. So where do they get off gouging us two more times by extra dispensing fees because we have to come back two more times to get our 90 day script that should've been paid for once ? OH ! Is that why the Feds doled out 300 bucks ? The 300 bucks that I am not eligible for ?
Just got my scripts filled and got short changed by two months. Wtf ? Rumour is they are worried about running out of drugs ? I call total BS to that as that's their one and only job is to dispense drugs and drug companies make this stuff in mass. Not one pill at a time ! ! It's not like a COVID related drug ( for which there isn't yet ) just usual blood pressure stuff. So where do they get off gouging us two more times by extra dispensing fees because we have to come back two more times to get our 90 day script that should've been paid for once ? OH ! Is that why the Feds doled out 300 bucks ? The 300 bucks that I am not eligible for ?
I hear you on that . I was lucky a month ago
They refilled mine for 3 months worth
It looks like I wont be lucky next time ?
Just another way for big business to get bigger
Hear ya on this, I have to get a refill what was every 3 months, It has been changed now also to a months worth,
Think they are trying to get people sick on purpose with such a change, They should have gone the other way and gave 6 months.
due to get my meds renewed next week----usually get three months at a time----we'll see what happens. might be interesting cuz my next appt is not until Aug
One of mine was a 3 month fill, the others were 1 month.

Not sure how you can hoard meds like toilet paper, but that is the suggestion for limits.

Mine are covered by insurance and they won't cover the request if it is earlier than they deem necessary.
The 30 day refill was ordered by the governments of many provinces due to concerns about availability of active ingredients which often originate in China and India. The pharmacies still charge the dispensing fees for each refill which is where we feel the crunch. Some provinces are helping by waiving the fees or some sort of rebate but Ontario is a bit behind it seems. Whether the reduced refills were necessary or effective or not is another debate but when this started I guess erring on the side of caution wasn't a bad thing.

And why is gas at 90 cents a liter when the price of a barrel is 33 dollars. I got hit with the same dispensing fee when my blood pressure and cholestoral pills are usually filled for 90 days but now 30. This is the new normal? And they are saying corona virus surcharges at Restaurants will be normal as well...WTF!!
This is Ford at his finest. First he says "stay home....stay home". Then he comes up with this hair brain idea of 30 day meds which increases the risk of physical contact threefold.
A shortage of pharmaceuticals obviously leads to limits on prescriptions in order to ensure everyone gets what they need. Stop being so selfish like the toilet paper hoarders who wanted it all for themselves, leaving many without. Heaven forbid you need to make a few more trips to your pharmacist.

As for restaurants charging more $$$ due to covid, you’re free to cook your own food. Many have lost tens of thousands of dollars and when they fully reopen the new safety measures will cost them time and money to follow these new protocols.

We cannot expect these businesses to face significant increases in operating costs without passing these costs to customers.
..and you whats next??? ....MINNOWS....yes, according to new Gov't regs, you will only be allowed to get one dozen at a time. There have been reports of perch fishermen in places like Long Point, Lake St.Clair, and Pt.Bruce hoarding minnows..People wait for hours in line at bait stores just to find empty tanks when they get in. There are rumors of the pier at Pt.Bruce being CLOSED to prevent hoarders from dominating the best spots at the end.
Pandemic perchin'
I live out in the country and my drug store is a 30 minute drive to Tilsonburg so I try and plan my trips accordingly. Once every two weeks seems to work for me to get all my things I need. I suppose that's the price I pay for living the dream ? LoL ! I am not being "selfish" ! I usually keep a stocked pantry and refill as required including toilet paper ! As a for instance; ASA 81mg most of us old farts take them as per doctors orders, some of us have plans that will pay for them otherwise you can buy them right off the shelf. Which btw I seen they had an ample supply of but yet I get dinged .
This is Ford at his finest. First he says "stay home....stay home". Then he comes up with this hair brain idea of 30 day meds which increases the risk of physical contact threefold.

This is going on across Canada, not just in Ontario. Is that Ford's fault too or are they all hair brained? The cost and additional trips are obviously a problem but still better than running out as far as I can see. I just send my wife anyway, she waits in line, she pays, no problem!
This is Ford at his finest. First he says "stay home....stay home". Then he comes up with this hair brain idea of 30 day meds which increases the risk of physical contact threefold.

It wasn't Ford it was the pharmacy board of Canada that suggested it. I've gotten a few different excuses from the guy with soft hands behind the counter.

My parents said they have been getting their scripts filled in port dover and were still getting 90 days. It's up to the pharmacist don't let them tell you other wise.

Roulstons is charging 11.50 per script. This last time I got mine and my wife's. He gave us a whopping $4 discount. So now he is making $30 off of us when we were only paying him $11.50 previously.

Sounds like self preservation to me lol.

This government has fucked up huge on the other hand however.

Talked with a few seniors lately and they are wondering why it wasnt seniors isolated who are at risk and the rest of the working age people left to actually work.

All that matters to these asshats in office is fear mongering and numbers of covid cases.
Sounds like restaurant owners should have saved their hard earned cash, instead of buying fancy cars and clothes. JMO
Prescription based, Should have never changed a F&^%^& thing, Yes it does expose you more than you need to be, Does any of those meds cure Corona? My guess is it doesn't. So why limit the people that are perhaps more susceptible to getting the virus, Straight up "STUPID"
Lets just open up fully and sit back and watch what happens. Jeez.

Covid surcharge- Well looks like all my kijiji ads are going to be hiked up due to the corona virus by 2%.
I'm not to sure what other members think about this....and that is the price gouging going on in the grocery stores, and big box stores and come to think of it...pretty well everywhere else. Price gouging just doesn't mean by leaps and bounds increases .... it is the steady climb every week of a few cents to a few dollars. :mad:
A lot of businesses greed will BANKRUPT them faster than the virus
I already have a couple on my delete list but have added more on my support list
I have the same problem at my pharmacy in Woodstock, so I complained enough that they only charge me a dispensing fee for the 1st months worth and the next two have no dispensing fee. I have to remind them each time or they try to charge me. My wife had the same problem at Wal mart pharmacy and managed to get the same deal as me. The new 30 day limit is bs if I had to pay dispensing fees every month it would cost me an extra $1600 a year in dispensing fees. (ya I'm on a few). To me it's gouging by the pharmacies.