

Hi all! Just wondering if any smelt have started running yet?
I have walked the beach at Long Pt. the last couple of days and have seen no traces of smelt. I think it's still too early.
I'd give it a shot.

I have gotten smelt earlier than this most years; one year I got them in the open creek while the lake still had ice on it.

I'm going to give it a try either tonight or tomorrow

went out for an hour. got a few smelt, a few shiners, and 1 nice perch (full of eggs) - all released to swim another day into my net. I was hoping for a bunch of shiners to salt; a few dozen smelt to fry up to have with my cold beer as I watch the hockey game.

Alas, It was not to be, except for the cold beer.

We used to get smelt by the bushel years ago at Port Albert. Haven't been there in years. Does anyone smelt at Port Albert. We used to go 2nd week of April every year.
I have tried for smelt out of Normandale the last few years. Normally in April.(certainly things will be early with the warm weather). Typically there have been a ton of minnows with a few smelt thrown in the mix. I am going to give it a shot one night this week. I will post results....good or bad.
