Off Topic Small mouth bass near Port Bruce/Port Stanley?


Are there any places to find smallies around Port Bruce/Port Stanley area?? I'd like to take the wife out for some drop shotting.
I was going to drive to Lake St. Clair, but Port Bruce is 20 minutes away.
Not sure you are going to find any numbers of SM in the lake there. Longpoint in outer bay or some rivers near by maybe.
East of Port Stanley there is a rocky area around the pump station that juts out into the lake where we used to drop shot for perch years ago. I've not personally fished there in years but a buddy of mine said his son was pulling out decent sized bass there earlier in the season tight to the rocks.
Look for any rocky shoreline, scattered debris, rock shoals, gravel bars ,sand/rock transitions. Much harder to find that way but RJMP is correct, there are bass there and some nice ones.
There is rocky shore line west of port talbot as well no clue about bass as I’ve never fished it there but if that’s what to look for than there is some there
I used to walk down to the shoreline from duttona family camp ground when my grandparents had a trailer there and it’s all rocks there