Simcoe report Sunday


Well-Known Member
Started a bit late but right on time as the first fish came few minutes after I dropped my Meegs lure down....
When We thought things will go up from there.......they died....for few hours....marking lot of fish.../not many bites...
Moved few times....and at the end of the day Brian got his two fish but lost one at the hole....I got few more bites but not as good as we were hoping for...oh well still a nice day out there...
lot of slush...shore lines still passable ...lots of cars trucks, and snow machines too...

fish is till deep in the 90 fow range....all Meegs bite today...
Thanks for the good time and great company Brian.
Few shots from the day:



Ice Fisherman
Nice whities, ice looks great, wish it was in my back door!!!
Have not seen many laker reports again this year.

Brian (Legend Man)
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