riggers or no riggers

misty river

Well-Known Member
planning on buying a 1950 or a 2150 crestliner sportfish sst and wondering if I should buy 2 riggers for it or just use dipseys and lead core or both ?
been out on a couple charters this year and most of the fish have been caught on dipseys.

what do you think ?
Some days riggers work better and some days dipseys and most of the time lead core always works. If you planned on going to deeper water like Ontario or Huron, you'll definitely want riggers and the ones with dual rod holders can also be utilized when using lead or dipseys.
I only run dipsy's as I like to run solo (often with my young son) and find it way to difficult to opperate riggers at the same time as opperating the boat. With dipsey's I can run three lines or even four with no tangles at all. I only have two riggers and they're manual so I guess it would be a diferent story with electric. I do very well with the dipseys and I did a lot of fishing on lake O this year as well as Erie. There were a couple times on lake O when they claimed to be getting them between 70 and 100' and that option would have been nice but they say the majority of the fish are ussually up higher anyway so I've yet to feel the need for anything else really.

Gone fishing, be back at dark-thirty!
YOU get much better depth control with riggers an I am sure lk erie is not the only body of water u will fish an much more fun fighting fish without all that WAIT:D
Get rigger you won't be disapointed and if you can afford it get electric , we run everything till we find something that is working, can never have to much gear out there sometime you have to show them everything you got!!!!! ..............................apps
thanks everyone , I think I will get a couple electric down riggers , a couple dipsey rods and a couple lead core rods to start. Looking forward to going after the eyes and bows out of burwell or bruce.
then I need to stock up on the lures...lol
dont waste the money on riggers the first year spend the money on 4 good diver rods and a good selection of divers and some good electronics you will have way more success on divers , core and jets good planer boards, down riggers are usually just extra rod holders at bruce or burwell.

Jeff Sherman
I have 2 manual riggers and rarley use them on Erie. More something to try when they're not biting than a go to. Getting the lures away from the boat, dipseys, lead core and inline planers have been working well.
Misty some great info here. If you must outfit your boat over several years like most of us, riggers probably should be your last investment.
You can cover much more water with a good selection of dipsy's for a lot less money. I use my riggers only when fishing very deep or in tight areas.
Only use riggers when i have enough guys on the boat to run the extra lines. Even with more guys i would prefer to run more lines (core, body baits, jets) out on the big boards. The best fishermen on Erie are masters of dipsy divers so spend your $$ on them before riggers. This is my 2 cents if you are targeting Erie walleye and silverfish.
