Ramp Closed

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Went cat fishing today in Dunnville lower grand.
Only got one cat fish, another boat got 2. As we were leaving they closed the ramp until further notice.
Sounds like H-N has decided to close the marina and ramps again despite the province clearly stating that they could stay open. The mayors will likely blame it on the province again but this time it is 100% clear, this decision is on them.
Dunnville, Maitland, and port Dover are all closed. It looks like the sign says closed by Provincial order which is total BS. 💩

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Yep same b.s port dover harbour marina is closed till may 6th they said when i called today
As suspected, this is the statement from the Mayor of Haldimand, Ken Hewitt:


· Physical barricades will be placed at the Port Maitland boat ramp to formally close it today (note: other County owned boat ramps will receive the same treatment).

· Signage will be posted on the barricades that indicates they are “Closed due to Province’s O. Reg. 265/21: Stay-at-Home Order and O. Reg. 82/20 Rules For Areas In Stage 1 - Shutdown Zone”. The Province’s regulations are clear in this regard – i.e. boat ramps are not an amenity permitted to be open and fishing/boating is not an essential activity for leaving the home. We have verified this with legal (Sullivan Mahoney).
As suspected, this is the statement from the Mayor of Haldimand, Ken Hewitt:


· Physical barricades will be placed at the Port Maitland boat ramp to formally close it today (note: other County owned boat ramps will receive the same treatment).

· Signage will be posted on the barricades that indicates they are “Closed due to Province’s O. Reg. 265/21: Stay-at-Home Order and O. Reg. 82/20 Rules For Areas In Stage 1 - Shutdown Zone”. The Province’s regulations are clear in this regard – i.e. boat ramps are not an amenity permitted to be open and fishing/boating is not an essential activity for leaving the home. We have verified this with legal (Sullivan Mahoney).
Then will come parks,trails etc...but you can buy an ice cream and get a banned hair cut..jokes ..can I still buy a pitch fork and torch asking for a friend 👀
premade email for your use:

I urge you to reconsider closing the boat ramp at Port Maitland. It is not a prohibited activity under the current rules.

Here is a link to the website from Ontario: https://www.ontario.ca/page/enhanci...rkplace-safety-measures-provincewide-shutdown

Relevant excerpt:

Transportation services​

Permitted services include:

  • transportation services provided by air, water, road, and rail, including taxis and other private transportation providers
  • support services for transportation services, including:
    • logistical support, distribution services, warehousing and storage, truck stops and tow operators, and
    • services that support the operations and safety of transportation systems including maintenance and repairs
  • marinas, boating clubs and other organizations that maintain docking facilities (with conditions)
  • businesses that provide and support online retail, including by providing warehousing, storage and distribution of goods that are ordered online
premade email for your use:

I urge you to reconsider closing the boat ramp at Port Maitland. It is not a prohibited activity under the current rules.

Here is a link to the website from Ontario: https://www.ontario.ca/page/enhanci...rkplace-safety-measures-provincewide-shutdown

Relevant excerpt:

Transportation services​

Permitted services include:

  • transportation services provided by air, water, road, and rail, including taxis and other private transportation providers
  • support services for transportation services, including:
    • logistical support, distribution services, warehousing and storage, truck stops and tow operators, and
    • services that support the operations and safety of transportation systems including maintenance and repairs
  • marinas, boating clubs and other organizations that maintain docking facilities (with conditions)
  • businesses that provide and support online retail, including by providing warehousing, storage and distribution of goods that are ordered online
Unfortunately e mails , calls , or any other type of massage won't change the mindset of any mayor , or elected officials, all of them will take the safe route to cover their ass ,
The closed ramps in some areas will push the masses to areas with open ramps , than you will have a domino affect of closing down those that left open due to public outcry " from the few " that's unsafe " same thing happened end of March at Crystal beach, 1 who called the media attention to it and the city had no choice but close it to save face " ,
One way to change this is at time of re election,
Just wondering if the local mayors asks the provincial government for lost income closing the ramps? If so, then more launches will close. Private launches could close and collect CERB? If so then we are screwed.

Due to the recent lockdown and stay at home orders, the decision to close the county owned ramps were made. I know that this frustrates many people and with every other decision made throughout this pandemic, you can shoot holes through them and find very good rationale to argue for and against.

So why close the ramps? While it is true is that many local people here fish and enjoy the amenities of the ramps along the grand river and Lake Erie, so do many from other parts of the Province. In fact if you ask many of the residents of Port Maitland they can support the argument that the pier, ramp and park is a very public tourist destination. There are no amenities for these people and so garbage, feces and just about anything else lands on either public property or surrounding private property that obviously is upsetting for those homeowners.

There are privately run ramps that serve the public and offer the amenities needed to accept guests and locals. Access to both waterways is available at a marginal cost and it helps the local private marina or business.

In comparison to golf, while my opinions differ from the Province on many of the COVID rules, most golfers are actually local, and privately run golf clubs possess the staff to keep outdoor facilities cleaned for their patrons. Public ramps just simply do not.

Today we are experiencing the 3rd wave of this virus and while it may seem like it is not evident here in HN, we are not immune to the very real affects of the variants that are pushing the numbers to all time highs. I understand that we are all VIRUS fatigued and frankly had enough but for the health and welfare of the communities, the small sacrifice of closing public boat ramps is a small price to pay for a couple of weeks to flatten and/or to know that we have done everything possible to keep our hospitals free and clear to help our loved ones.

We are currently working with the county staff and those that run private boat ramps to ensure that our local fishing population has some options available to them and so they can enjoy their pastime and be able to fish.


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