Fishing Report perching Nov 03/023


Well-Known Member
gave it one more try to end the season knowing it was going to be not totally ideal. with winds forecast to pick up in the afternoon figured would have a small window in the morning for a couple of hours. between 8-10 winds were gusty but not THAT bad ---still tough to see the hit when you did get one but they were there. didnt bring as many home as last time----seven in all and no jumbos in the mix-----have a couple throwbacks including an itty bitty bass. after ten wind really picked up but it was at my back so not too bad except was getting a chill in my neck so pulled the plug at 11 which worked out ok cuz they had moved? on anyway
not complaining but today a classic example of ----coulda, shoulda, woulda gone today instead-----perfect conditions for sitting on the dock of the bay