Perch Apr. 14th


Well-Known Member
In a word zero............. from old cut ,,2 EC10,,and surrounding area,,,maybe tried 8 or so stops & drifted,,,3 guys,,,not a bite in 2&1/2 hrs or so.......
I saw you leaving the shop yesterday! I was going to ask you if Jimmy gave you guys a scoop of "my special, trained minnows" but I didn't...guess I should've ;)
Ps. Since yesterday Amberlyn and I have trained the minnows extra hard so they should now know exactly how to approach the Perch just right so you will get plenty for dinner.
We still have lots in stock!
Spectrum63.....u'r wlcm,,,wish it was a bettr report.... & Stef......... I think u'r right about him giving us the wrong batch,,those 1's hadn't been trained yet.........& thanks 4 u'r hard work training them (u & Amberlyn) next time then I will expect 2 get the trained 1's.....