Ontario Tundra Swan Season

Hello Guys,

I have been asked more than once on this "waterfowl" forum about how to cook a Tundra Swan and how one would taste.

There is a gentleman by the name of Hank Shaw who is an angler, hunter, gardener and cook. He has included his recipe for cooking a Tundra Swan.

I found him on the internet ... search for "Cooking and Eating a Tundra Swan" and his website should appear. It is very informative.


PS Contrary to what was posted on his website a Tundra Swan call was (still is) available from DJ Calls for $59.95 US at the time that I bought mine (definitely more now). An instructional CD is included in the cost.
Hello Guys,

I found a "press release" on the internet last fall from July of 2020 that Idaho had been granted a limited (tag only) Tundra Swan season (50 tags) to start in the fall of 2020 ... so 2022 would have been their third Tundra Swan season. These birds will be harvested from the Western Population of Tundra Swans. I apologize for not posting this update last fall when I read about it.

I had previously reported under this thread in Part 2 that both Delaware and Maryland were granted a Tundra Swan season in 2019 to harvest birds from the Eastern Population of Tundra Swans. Consequently three (3) additional states have recently been granted a Tundra Swan season while we continue to watch our Tundra Swan tags being used south of the border.

Hello Guys,

The State of Utah has decided to issue only Tundra Swan tags this year after having closed their General Swan Season early over the past four (4) hunting seasons after the limit of twenty (20) Trumpeter Swans had been harvested in that particular state.

There has been a General Swan Season in Montana, Nevada and Utah for over twenty (20) years and it is unforntunate that a few waterfowl hunters obviously had decided to deliberately harvest a Trumpeter Swan with their tag while the provision for a General Swan Season was to account for an incidental (not a deliberate) harvest of a Trumpeter Swan.

The State of Montana and the State of Nevada have not had a similar issue with a General Swan Season in the past ... as I understand.

Hello OCLP,

I had a very pleasant and rewarding exchange of ideas this past spring with some very influential individuals within the CWS regarding a potential Mute Swan season as well as a potential limited (tag only) Tundra Swan season in the near future.

I have also been working with Delta Waterfowl and the OFAH with a few suggestions as to how we could facilitate the implentation of these two (2) potential swan seasons in Ontario by the CWS in the near future ... the funds (my funds) are certainly available.

I would prefer not to speculate about a Sandhill Crane season at this time ... suffice to say that I suspect that we will see such a season sooner than later as this issue is really a "no brainer" at this point. There may still be a few details to work out.
