Off Topic? Rat

can't miss

Well-Known Member
27 yrs here, rural, and never even had a mouse. Now I have Mc Giver rat. My fault, let downstairs basement door sill go south and now he's in. Easy fix but don't want to lock him in either??
He's smart, oh so smart. Have a trap line set up that would make any northern trapper proud.
Glue trap's, old time snap traps, modern claw traps, small cage trap? Nope
Tried every bait you can think of, cheese, p-butter, pepperette, shrimp, store bought rodent can't resist bait. Been holding off poison cause I don't want him dyeing indoors, but I think that's tomorrow. Know it's the only the one, have bush cam set up in the basement? Bent tail and droopy ear, his ass is mine?
Next step is night vision and 12 ga, wife says no on that one??
Any idea's?
Mice like walk along a wall
Make it so he has no choice but to step on one

my bad you said Rat
I only caught one of them before but I followed similar strategy along a wall where he was known to travel

you could try direct him into a trap if you know where he’s coming from with your trail camera

I ran one over before at work was riding threw the greenhouse on an electric tractor in the dark saw it out the corner of my eye and turn right to him and ran him over.
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Live trap.....baited with peanut butter. Had a big bastard in my barn last year.....there is gensing all around me......lots of straw, grain, etc. Tried, every kind of rat poison, including Hawk brand that is for resistant Norway rat.....and this bugger ate it and liked it. When I caught him/her in the live trap, was he ever pissed It’s like on the Bad boys movie....”I hate those rat fuckers”
We had them last summer, got a exterminator he set snap traps with peanut butter - NOTHING. Also had the box trap with poison but they wouldn’t go in, eventually the exterminator gave me a bunch of poison that I put in various spots I knew they were running. They loved it and that did it, found them dead by sump
Pump hole looking for water lol. Got one on a sticky trap, son finished it with his air soft gun LOL.
Thing about rats is they're smart and weary of new things. You're on the right path with the traps but they need to be left baited and unset for a while for the rat to learn it's a source of food and not a threat. Once you notice the bait is regularly taken, time to set.

We had (had is key) a big mouse problem when we moved to the country. I never had to deal with this living in suburban Hamilton. I learnt a lot, set up a lot of snap traps with various bait. The best results came from a dog food kibble hotglued tot he trigger. Now the problem is gone. I till leave the traps out and since it's gotten cold again I get about one every other week.

I learned a lot from Shawn Wood's YouTube channel. They're very entertaining too.
I’m dealing with the same crap, was at tsc today getting some poison and I did notice they have a trap that has an electrocution chamber, if it wasn’t 100 bucks I would’ve bought it, I’d love to fry one of them to death
That wise old rat is like a wise old buck. They have seen every trick you try and are aware. BUT,
every thing you touched has your scent on it and he will avoid your smell until he is nearly starved.
I would clean everything and wear rubber gloves to reset,.
Keep trying, try a pail with a piece of lathe going up and a soup can on a rod smeared in p butter. Put 6' water in bottom so it can't jump out if you do trick him.
Have your camera watch the pail so you can observe his reactions.
This set up has been very efficient at keeping my mouse numbers down in my shed over the past few years. Can't overly see it but there is a piece of wood they walk up to get to the Pb on the bottle and as they lean out to feed the bottle spins and in they go. Gonna put RV plumbing antifreeze in this weekend and more Pb on the bottle. Might need a bigger set up for a rat but this has also taken some chipmunks as well in its time


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A few pans of warfin will work. Put on his trails. As recommended before wear gloves so your scent is on it
Also you probably have more then one. Most likely you could have a nest. The rat will take the warfin back to the nest and others will eat it too. Kills them all