New member ( commercial fisherman )

McMinnow there's not much if a market for sheepshead but we can use te silver bass as I'm sure you guys r glad to hear lol if u see pickerel or skinless silver bass in sobeys those r from my boat as well as perch w perch when we get them we are tryin to support local grocery stores and not just sell to the USA I believe thyour nets. e people around the lake that don't have access to a boat to catch there own should be able to eat our fresh fish from the lake and not have only ocean fish as their option

Curious to the by-catch in your nets. Do you ever have Musky or pike in your nets? have always wondered if they follow the Pickerel around?
Hey zosk no they don't follow the pickerel there's way better experts on here on those 2fish than me lol I believe they stay in pretty shallow all year but I could be wrong but they re not suspended out deeper where I fish I've only ever caught one musky quite a few years ago and released him he was over 50 inches long
I was out near your nets today @myboys fish tug -- easy to see although I almost got caught by the second line a little bit west of the first one I saw ;) I could easily see the green jugs. Only caught rainbow those. The fish swimming into your nets weren't at the depth I was fishing or they didn't like what I put in front of them.
Great to hear u could see the jugs jrr and I talked to another guy out there and he had 6 lol damn things lol ok I'll work on gettin more of those jugs then it appears there gonna work
The yellow jugs are really easy to see......thanks for changing over to them....if they were all like that out there then the incidents of running into a net would definitely be reduced.
That's not a commercial tug might have been an old workboat ... Commercial guys are not allowed to use turkey point as a harbor to land fish so it must be a pleasure boat
@myboys fish tug i guess you are catching more fish than the guys trolling around the net since the nets haven't moved in a bit -- how often do you move the nets?
Hey jrr were doin ok and I try and only move in and out a little bit it seems every time I move to far they go the other way lol . So I generally stay in te same area then move deeper as the season goes but were out to 105 ft now so probably not a whole lot deeper for the season