Need Advise,,,


Well-Known Member
OK,, after I catch my walleyes on my boat whats the best way to keep them until I get back to the cleaning station? Thanks in advance!!!
I agree with above 2 post started bleeding them last year make quite a differance
if you do not have a live well how would you bleed them out?
if you do not have a live well how would you bleed them out?
I do not have a live well. What I do is have a rope stringer that I tie to the side of boat. thread the fish with the stringer, cut the gills and main blood vessel. Throw it back over the side letting the water flush thru the fish and clean the blood. After dragging for a bit, bring fish back in boat and throw into cooler on ice. Mess stays outside of the boat.
Agree with all of the suggestions for bleeding the fish. I think ice is very important for good quality meat - especially when air temperature (and lake temp) is up in July and August. I always keep a bunch of 2 litre orange juice containers full of water in the freezer and use these for cooler ice when I go out. Four jugs is lots to keep the fish in the cooler nice and cold. After done, I rinse them off, give them a wipe down and throw them back in the freezer for the next trip. JB
Bring an old towel and soak it and place over the cooler with the bled fish on ice if you do not have a shade spot in the boat. Also works good for getting the mess off your hands. Also make sure you have a separate cooler for the beer
Firstly, all you guyz rock! This really showcases the "community" attitude of the quality anglers we enjoy in our part of Lake Erie and how freely all you fellers are open to help newbies not make idiots of themselves! The next issue will be how to not butcher my catch or cut my ****** off with my brand new Rapala ion fish knife!! Thanks tons!!
Larger caribiner clip on rope to troll off each side as it can get very busy out there , to bleed and gut.
The next issue will be how to not butcher my catch or cut my ****** off with my brand new Rapala ion fish knife!! Thanks tons!!

I Do not use a knife on the boat. Waves makes for even the most steadiest boat the possibility to slip and cut too deep into yourself ending a good day on the water. Go to a restaurant supply store and get a pair of chicken shears. They are a sharp pair of scissors designed to cut thru some bones, gills etc. Far safer than a fillet knife. I tie them on to the side of the boat so If they slip while I am bleeding the fish out then they will not fall in the lake.
I like to land the fish, toss it in the cooler, reset lines. Then I take the fish out, dispatch it with the fish-billy, then zip open the belly and take out the guts. Toss the fish back in the cooler, guts in the lake. The fish dosnt get bloated, with the cavity open it cools right off...and not a mess in the cooler.
I use a pair of pruning shears works great got them at home hardware for around $12