Off Topic Marine radio MMSI number


Well-Known Member
I recently purchased a Marine radio with the DSC feature that transmits my location to the Coast Guard at the push of a button. Problem is I can't seem to get in touch with the people to get one. I keep getting voice messages.
Has anyone registered their Marine radio for a MMSI number? What do you need?

I bought the boat last year and still haven't transferred the ownership. I'm thinking they'll want that. Plus I don't have a license to operate the radio, the course I was going to take got canceled.

Any ideas?

You can apply for your MMSI number through Industry Canada on line. To be clear, you do not need a 'station license' for a pleasure craft operated in Canadian waters so you want the 'unlicensed ship station' option (form AB)

Not to be picky but you don't really have an 'ownership' for a pleasure craft. The document you need to deal with is the 'Transport Canada pleasure craft licence' which can also be done on line at:

As far as your Radio Operators Certificate goes, it is mandatory and good knowledge to have but I have never heard of anyone being ticketed for not having one. I really wouldn't sweat it until the courses are available again.

It seems kind of daunting but both these processes are fairly simple once you get into them. Good luck!
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