Less than a Month


Well-Known Member
Well, with the early goose season less than a month away, how is everyone coping with the summer blues? How are you preparing for the ever closer early season? Decoy touch ups, scouting, patterning trusty old scatterguns, sharpening the shooting skills with some trap? Figured I would just liven up this forum as it has gotten pretty boring lately :)
Ya it's getting close i think it's great that we can goose hunt or now we can dove hunt
and it all starts at the beginning of Sept.I love hunting but i also love the business end of it
being a taxidermist and seeing old customers and meeting new.can't wait
very exciting indeed. the new dove hunt should also be interesting :) will be a learning experience for, that's for sure.
Now just have to figure out the right shot for dove i don't think they make a small enough shot in steel
Im with you on that one. Smallest shot I have found is #6. Havent looked into tungsten yet, considering I would have to dip into my life savings, but maybe there are some smaller shot sizes available.