late season geese

ship wrecked

Well-Known Member
Did anyone kick the $hit out of any geese saturday?
well it wasn't for the lack of trying but we ended up with 3 and a 1/2 hour with the opp almost all the birds flew back to us after legal light oh well it was fun getting out again. one this is for sure the birds are plump now. how was the DU dinner ship wrecked yummy as usual??

keepen'er afloat is always better than sinkin.
33 between 5 of us. Had to work for them. Morning birds committed but once the shooting around us started, birds started flaring 100 yds out. One of our guys had a HUGE layout blind, so that probably didn't help. Thing stuck out like a sore thumb.
nice shoot jello.lee the meal was good but not enough.the dinners aren't like they use to be no hand carved decoys and don't like that women come..nothing against the women just changes the mood a little nice to see a few of ya got out.
We used spay snow. Snow was sparse in the field.

We got another 24 for 3 guys yesterday. Can tell these birds have been pounded. They were quite skidish. Used ever card in the deck with the goose call to turn them and short stopped them with the blinds ahead of the decoys.