It Begins...


Well-Known Member
Headed out of Burwell with a friend (wallyeye) Sunday to try some early season trolling. It took a while to find the fish but we finally found them around 2:30pm. We ended up with a 15lb bow and a 7lb eye in the box from a double header. Had another 3 knock offs and a sheep too. Not bad for this time of year!


Happy to see eyes are coming close to Burwell. Maybe we can have a bit of earlier than normal season this year with the warmer temps.

Ice Fisherman
Thanks guys. Lots of marks on the graph in 60-65 f.o.w. Hooked up with those two in 62 feet. Leadcore was hot.

Couple of nice fish....! I think we are heading out this weekend
for a little parctice. My buddy is in the tournament on the 23 with his new boat and we need to set up the gear. Hopefully a sign for a great season!

" Remember , Trophies are measured by the time and energy expended to get them , not the size or quantity of the quarry " R.J.