Off Topic if not for bad luck blah blah blah


Well-Known Member
supposed to be on a trip with Tailfeathers this morning-----been waiting for this to all come together and its turned into a "comedy" of errors. first off had to change the lineup of people twice---one for medical reasons, another for personal reasons (waiting for Leons to show up) really wasnt too impressed with number three but i wont go there. finally get down to our parking lot and bring my wheels over to front entrance to pick up #1. gets in the van--hit the ignition switch and ---------------------------nothing-------can you say----------------whatever you say. this trip aint going anywhere except to the garage to find out what happening here. so there it is my van's in the garage and i'm here telling you my tale of woe.

suspect it may be starter but??? and the good news to all this it happened at home in our parking lot and not down in Port Burwell-----van showed a little consideration in its choice of where to take 5
Stuff happens Gord! Pick a day check with me book and tell your buddies no excuses except death lol. Hopefully your van issues are a simple fix. My truck did that once to me no hint of an issue wouldn't jump start ,wouldn't turn over ended up being the battery.