How smart are Yotes?

can't miss

Well-Known Member
Was out this morning at a stupid o'clock, cause who sleeps now? Yotes have been quite for quite some time generally, here. This morning they were howling up a storm, just before dawn, before the turkeys start, but just before. Birds here seem to roost close for a few days, other end of the bush the next? Turkeys seemed close this morning, and like a shock gobble, the coyote howl would set them off? Couple minutes later, howls seemed closer to the gobble's, understand it's still dark? Probably a hour before fly down? Sure seemed like the yotes were zero-ing on roost tree's? Anyone ever heard of this?
I've had a fox lay in my turkey decoys ...looking up into the roost trees before

I've also seen coyotes sneak into the roost areas waiting for birds to land ..while I've been bow hunting.