Hastings/walleye fishing Thursday am


Well-Known Member
A friend and his dad came out w me today. Launched out of burwell around 7am fishing at hastings...by 740...bumpy ride out w the east wind, ..left when minnows ran out...had 140 perch over 10" in cooler. Bumped and banged out to 58fow....six lines out. Split between widow maker/double baits w deep divers and snap weights/dispeys....all but the dipseys we ran on planer mast. 8-10 core out/double baits down around 40/dipseys anyhwere from 111-150. We caught some jumbo perch, silvers, five eyes and 1 bow in three hours of long lining. Orange/coppers were good baits. Lost a couple of probable eyes w some confusion on the boat and a tangle here and there too...lots of fun. Bumpy ridge in too! GREAT DAY ON THE WATER THOUGH!!